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Writing an Objective Summary in Social Studies

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1 Writing an Objective Summary in Social Studies
Step 1: Begin with a topic sentence that includes a summary of the time period or topic: Example: The Harlem Renaissance was……..Electing the president of the United States is not an easy task! Step 2: Use your notes to write the body of the paragraph: Choose the 5 most important facts that you found. Use transitional phrases and time order words to make connections between your sentences: Examples: As a result, Furthermore, This had many effects such as… As years passed…… Later in the decade of the 1920’s Step 3: End with a concluding sentence that sums up the main idea of the paragraph Examples: In conclusion, it is evident that the Harlem Renaissance was a very exciting time in the United States. (2nd example ) In conclusion, it is evident that electing the president of the United States is a very organized and lengthy process.

2 Objective Summary Example: Change during the 1920’s: (Transitional words and phrases are highlighted) There were many changes that occurred during the decade of the 1920’s. During the 1920’s many Americans began to blame alcohol for society’s problems. . As a result of this , Prohibition began: an amendment was passed banning alcohol. Unfortunately, this had some negative effects. For example, street crime grew as people fought to sell illegal alcohol, and secret bars called speak-easies popped up throughout the nation. In addition, another change involved women. During the Roaring Twenties, women who had recently earned the right to vote were beginning to express their freedom more visibly. For example, women called flappers had a new style of dress and went out more frequently than in the past. Therefore it is evident that the 1920’s was a very exciting time period that involved many changes.

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