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In nursery I am improving my reading skills. To do this…

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Presentation on theme: "In nursery I am improving my reading skills. To do this…"— Presentation transcript:

1 In nursery I am improving my reading skills. To do this…

2 I am beginning to recall and repeat rhymes and stories.
I can listen rhymes and stories. I am beginning to recall and repeat rhymes and stories.

3 I am starting to investigate and explore beat and rhythm
I can take part in games, stories and songs that contain repetition

4 I can explore stories, songs and rhymes that contain alliteration
I can participate in familiar songs & stories that have a change of pace

5 I can discuss stories through
text and pictures I can explore and discuss environmental print including letter, words and numerals

6 I can explore different sounds and word structures
I can say initial letter sounds and names

7 I can match pictures including letters and words
I can observe and explore a range of texts

8 I can talk about various parts of a text
I can talk about the pictures in a text

9 I can retell a story using pictures

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