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Vocabulary Unit 3 Grade 7.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 3 Grade 7

2 Animated full of life, lively, alive
Performing the new dance made the couple feel animated.

3 Brood a family of young animals, especially birds; any group having the same nature or origin to think over in a worried or unhappy way The brood of ducklings played in the pond.

4 Culminate to reach a high point of development; to end, climax
All of his work culminated in disaster when the computer deleted all of his typing.

5 Downright thoroughly; absolute, complete, frank, blunt
The boy’s actions were downright unacceptable.

6 Drone a loafer, idler; a buzzing or humming sound
to speak in a dull tone of voice The presenter’s speech was delivered in a drone manner.

7 Goad to drive or urge on; something used to drive or urge on
The coach’s pep talk goaded the team into action.

8 Indulge to give in to a wish or desire, give oneself up to
After eating sensibly all week, I just had to indulge in some chocolate cake.

9 Ingredient one of the materials in a mixture, recipe, or formula
Before beginning, be sure that all the ingredients are available.

10 Literate able to read and write; showing an excellent educational background; having knowledge or training The highly literate graduate is most likely to succeed.

11 Loom to come into view; to appear in exaggerated form
a machine used for weaving The alarm warned of the dangers that loomed ahead.

12 Luster the quality of giving off light, brightness, glitter, brilliance The diamond sparkled with a starry luster.

13 Miscellaneous mixed, of different kinds
The garage sale contained a collection of miscellaneous items.

14 Oration a public speech for a formal occasion
The man’s oration demanded the audience’s attention.

15 Peevish cross, complaining, irritable; contrary
Children often become peevish when they need a nap.

16 Seethe to boil or foam; to be excited or disturbed
The student seethed with excited when he learned he received an A in math.

17 Singe to burn slightly, a burn at the end or edge
The woman was terribly disappointed in the singed meatloaf.

18 Unique one of a kind; unequaled; unusual; found only in a given class, place, or situation Each individual’s culture is unique.

19 Upright vertical, straight; good; honest in a vertical position
The soldier stood upright in attention.

20 Verify to establish the truth or accuracy of, confirm
The secretary called to confirm the appointment.

21 Yearn to have a strong and earnest desire
The man yearned to see his love again.

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