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Final Focus optics for Possible New B-Line

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1 Final Focus optics for Possible New B-Line
A. Seryi, P. Emma, R. Erickson, T. Fieguth, M. Hogan, et al. 4 October 2004 NLC BDS meeting

2 Sub-picosecond bunch compression
spps g Final Focus and beam dump FF IP

3 Shielding wall Shielding wall

4 Notes on Possible New B-Line
sec-30 50-line B-line e-meas. sext. FF-system starts here B2 B1 Q30 Q31 MAD optics output plot Slide from Notes on Possible New B-Line P. Emma, R. Erickson, T. Fieguth, M. Hogan, A. Seryi, et al. Sep. 29, 2004

5 energy centroid and spread meas.
3 wire-scanner e-meas. section energy centroid and spread meas. -I Dyx,y = 120 Slide from Notes on Possible New B-Line P. Emma, R. Erickson, T. Fieguth, M. Hogan, A. Seryi, et al. Sep. 29, 2004

6 Notes on Possible New B-Line
Longitudinal tracking through B-line, but prior to FF-system (SPPS mode at 28.5 GeV) R56 = -2.3 mm T566 = -35 mm Slide from Notes on Possible New B-Line P. Emma, R. Erickson, T. Fieguth, M. Hogan, A. Seryi, et al. Sep. 29, 2004

7 Possible New B-line Parameters (SPPS-B)
symbol SPPS LCLS unit Energy E0 30 14 GeV Bunch charge Q 3.4 1 nC Emittance gex0 (gey) 50 (5) 1 (1) mm Energy spread (rms) sE/E0 1.5 <0.1 % Bunch length (rms) sz 12-40 20 Peak current Ipk 9-30 kA ISR ex-growth Dex/ex 12 2 CSR ex-growth <10 6* Chromatic e-growth Dex/ex (Dey/ey) 40 (40) 0 (0) Slide from Notes on Possible New B-Line P. Emma, R. Erickson, T. Fieguth, M. Hogan, A. Seryi, et al. Sep. 29, 2004

8 NLC Beam Delivery System
Betatron Collimation Energy Final Focus Final focus with local chromaticity correction

9 New B-Line Final Focus Same design concept as NLC FF (also adopted for ILC FF) Local chromaticity correction in FD Shorter L*, to be compact, but same chromaticity as in ILC B-Line FF: L*=1m, bY*=0.1mm ILC FF: L*=4m, bY*=0.4mm Additional constraints to be compatible with short bunch operation Limit R56 and T566 terms The tentative optics shown below is designed with these constraints The optics is tentative (ver.10), and is being improved

10 New B-Line with sub picosecond bunch compression
New Final Focus

11 (same chromaticity as present ILC parameters)
New FF for B-Line, version SHRTFF10.mad L*=1m, and IP bx=4mm, by=0.1mm (same chromaticity as present ILC parameters)

12 Final Doublet of New FF for B-Line, with sextupoles for local chromaticity correction,
optics version SHRTFF10.mad

13 Survey of New B-Line with FF
Optics till FF is in blue, FF optics is in red z=0 at the end of BLINE0

14 Survey of New B-Line with FF
FF shown in red, dashed line show straight line from FF entrance

15 Evolution of FF optics performance versus version number
with B-Line Evolution of FF optics performance versus version number Beam size shown is obtained with Turtle tracking Versions 8,9,10 include New B-Line bunch compression system

16 Performance of B-Line+FF optics version 10
Beam size shown is obtained with Turtle tracking Already rather good for LCLS beam, can be further improved for SPPS beam

17 New B-Line + FF short bunch performance
Complete system (B-Line + FF ver.10): R56= mm, T566= mm For beamline up to beginning of FF: R56= mm, T566= mm => FF does not change R56 but ~ doubles T566 => With SPPS beam (sE~1.5%), bunch length at IP will be lengthened by about 17mm which is still smaller than the SPPS beam goal of sz= 50mm

18 New B-Line + FF tracking cross-checks and Synchrotron Radiation
Tracking of the full system (B-Line + FF ver.10) with Turtle and with Dimad agree to better than 5% in terms of the IP beam size Effects of SR (tracking by Dimad) on IP size increase: LCLS beam: Dsx~2.8% , Dsy~0.8% SPPS beam: Dsx~6% , Dsy~14% => SR effects are reasonably small

19 B-line +FF Parameters and Performance
symbol SPPS LCLS unit Energy E0 30 14 GeV Bunch charge Q 3.4 1 nC Emittance gex0 (gey) 50 (5) 1 (1) mm Energy spread (rms) sE/E0 1.5 <0.1 % Initial rms bunch length sz0 50 20 Expected FF performance achieved so far (tracking including SR effects): IP beta function bx* (by*) 4 (0.1) IP beam size sx* (sy*) 4.5 (0.16) 0.45 (0.070)

20 LCLS parameters: sx / y = 0.44 / 0.070 mm
Tracked beam at IP of FF for SPPS and LCLS beam parameters on the same scale IP beam size of the tracked (SR included) beam in a complete B-Line +FF system : LCLS parameters: sx / y = 0.44 / mm SPPS parameters: sx / y = 4.5 / mm Further optimization of FF optics may allow further reduction of the IP beam size in SPPS case LCLS beam, zoom in

21 Changes needed in FF optics ver.10
Provide space (3m?) for undulators in the beginning of FF will lead to some lengthening of the system Take into account present shield wall Will shift FF about 7m downstream, if the wall is kept Can the shield wall be removed or relocated? Lengthen Final Doublet quads QF1 and QD0 about twice (for 30 GeV beam) will lead to minor lengthening of overall beamline Determine length needed for beam dump, if there is space left, use it for FF or undulators Continue optimization, possibly, further reduce aberrations for SPPS beam Standardize magnets, possibly use existing Adjust angles in B-Line to fit to tunnel optimally Look for ways to reduce T566

22 Survey of New B-Line with FF z=0 at the end of BLINE0
If the shield wall remains, need to lengthen beginning of FF (will also help to create space for undulators) Note that the top plot is versus z and bottom versus s which are 1-1.5m different => location correspondence is approximate

23 Summary New B-Line with sub-picosecond bunch compressor and with compact final focus may have the following capabilities in terms of the IP beam size: sx,y,z~ * 0.16 * 50 mm for 30 GeV SPPS beam sx,y,z~ 0.45 * 0.07 * 20 mm for 14 GeV LCLS beam

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