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United States Imperialism

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1 United States Imperialism
Yes, we we’re bad guys in history too!

2 The Philippines The US gained the Philippines, Guam & Puerto Rico as a result of the Spanish-American War in 1898. Pres. McKinley was an imperialist and wanted to educate and Christianize the Filipinos. The Filipinos, under the leadership of Emilio Agunialdo, did not want the US involved. Philippines declared themselves independent Fought the US & lost in 1902 The US built schools, roads, etc., but took advantage of the Filipinos

3 Hawaii Hawaii was a very valuable place to do business- sugar plantations American sugar plantation owners had lots of power over the Hawaiians Due to a change in law, the plantation owners wanted the US to annex- or make Hawaii a state. Queen Liliuokalani put up a fight, but lost. Hawaii became a state in 1898.

4 Latin America By the early 1800’s, Latin America had gained independence from the Europeans Monroe Doctrine: the America’s (both N & S) could not be colonized again. The US helped build the Panama Canal by forcing a Panamanian revolution against the Columbians. Pres. T. Roosevelt issued his “Roosevelt Corollary” which said that the US had a right to be an “international police” force in the Western Hemisphere.

5 Mexican War White settlers moved to Texas in order to populate the area at the request of the Mexican government. The settlers soon wanted to be independent from Mexico. Battle of the Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto After 2 years of war, Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo giving California and the Southwest to the US.

6 Mexican Revolution After the Mexican War, Mexico suffered a series of revolutions and changes in leadership. Mexico had many Caudillos-or dictators- that left the country unstable. 2 famous revolutionary leaders tried to fix the corruption in Mexico, but were mostly unsuccessful. Pancho Villa & Emiliano Zapata

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