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Steve Case Institute of Youth Ministry May, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Case Institute of Youth Ministry May, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Case Institute of Youth Ministry May, 2017
Identity Steve Case Institute of Youth Ministry May, 2017

2 Erik Erickson 8 stages of psycho-social development

3 Erik Erickson 8 stages of psycho-social development Adolescence is the time for IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT

4 One word to describe TEENS:

5 One word to describe TEENS: INDEPENDENT

6 What are some of the ways that teens can show their INDEPENDENCE?

7 June, 2005

8 August, 2005

9 September, 2005

10 November, 2005

11 February, 2006

12 March, 2006

13 June, 2006

14 August, 2006

15 September, 2006

16 October, 2006

17 What are some of the ways that teens can show their INDEPENDENCE?

18 Roger Dudley 1978

19 Roger Dudley 1978

20 Roger Dudley 1978

21 What are some of the ways that teens can show their INDEPENDENCE at your Church?

22 The role for youth leaders at your church:

23 Empower Release Support Speak Up For Mentor

24 IDENTITY doesn’t necessarily happen quickly

25 James Marcia 4 types of IDENTITY during adolescence

26 Identity Erik Erikson Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion

27 Identity James Marcia Identity Achievement Identity Diffusion

28 Identity Achievement You now know who you are. I’m known for ______.

29 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Exploration

30 Identity Commitment Present Identity Achievement Present Exploration

31 Identity Diffusion You have no idea who you are, and neither does anyone else. You keep changing.

32 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Exploration Identity

33 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Exploration Identity
Present Identity Achievement Present Exploration Identity Diffusion

34 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Exploration Identity
Present Absent Identity Achievement Present Exploration Identity Diffusion Absent

35 Identity Moratorium You aren’t sure who you are, so you’re taking some time to tentatively try out some things.

36 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Identity Moratorium
Present Absent Identity Achievement Identity Moratorium Present Exploration Identity Diffusion Absent

37 Identity Foreclosure You have locked into an identity that someone else chose for you. Rewarding, but inauthentic.

38 Identity Commitment Identity Achievement Identity Moratorium
Present Absent Identity Achievement Identity Moratorium Present Exploration Identity Foreclosure Identity Diffusion Absent

39 Which of these have you seen?

40 Which of these have you seen? Which have you experienced?

41 IDENTITY 1. Achievement 2. Diffusion 3. Moratorium 4. Foreclosure


43 IDENTITY might be the key task for adolescence

44 But IDENTITY is also challenged after adolescence as well

45 Can you think of when IDENTITY is challenged in the lives of adults?

46 Mid-life crisis New job Change in family Move to a new place Lose church position

47 Is IDENTITY only a “thing” for young people?

48 How does conversion relate to IDENTITY?

49 How does one’s age at conversion relate to IDENTITY?

50 What if a young person hasn’t experienced conversion?

51 If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation
If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NCV)

52 How will you assist the individuals and your congregation with IDENTITY?



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