MATH 6/6+ : Monday, March 12 Objective:

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1 MATH 6/6+ : Monday, March 12 Objective:
I will be able to plot point on a coordinate plane, draw polygon and find area by composing and decomposing known area formulas, when given points of a vertices. Agenda: Wkly Spiral Review Lesson 8 HOMEWORK: Finish CW Reminders: MId Unit Quiz on Thursday

2 MATH 6/6+ : Tuesday, March 13 Objective:
I will be able to find perimeter and area of irregular figures by composing and decomposing using known area formulas. Agenda: Wkly Spiral Review Lesson 9 HOMEWORK: Finish CW Reminders: MId Unit Quiz on Thursday

3 MATH 6/6+ : Wednesday, March 14
Objective: I will be able to determine distance , perimeter and area in real world context. Agenda: Wkly Spiral Review EXIT Tkt: 8/9 CW Grade Lesson 10 HOMEWORK: Finish CW Reminders: Mid Unit Quiz Tomorrow

4 MATH 6/6+ : Thursday, March 115
Objective: I will be able to Apply V = lwh to find volume of right rectangular prisms with fractional sides. Agenda: Wkly Spiral Review Lesson 11 Homework: Finish CW Reminders: Have a GREAT DAY!!!

5 MATH 6/6+ : Friday, March 16 Objective: Agenda: I will be able to use
V=Base x height understanding that any face can be the base. Agenda: Turn in Spiral Review Lesson 12 Exit Ticket 11/12: Quiz Grade Homework: WS: Finish CW Reminders: Have a GREAT weekend !!!

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