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Introduction to humanities

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1 Introduction to humanities
November 6th

2 11/6 Agenda “Form of Life” Argument from the Phaedo
Introduction to Plato’s Protagoras BRING YOUR COPY OF PROTAGORAS

3 The Form of Life Argument
If something partakes of the form of life, then it lives forever. The soul partakes of the form of life. Therefore, the soul lives forever.

4 Another Re-construction
1. Nothing can become its opposite while still being itself: it either flees away or is destroyed at the approach of its opposite.  (For example, “tallness” cannot become “shortness” while still being “hot.”) (102d- 103a) 2. This is true not only of opposites, but in a similar way of things that contain opposites.  (For example, “fire” and “snow” are not themselves opposites, but “fire” always brings “hot” with it, and “snow” always brings “cold” with it.  So “fire” will not become “cold” without ceasing to be “fire,” nor will “snow” become “hot” without ceasing to be “snow.”) (103c-105b) 3. The “soul” always brings “life” with it. (105c-d) 4. Therefore “soul” will never admit the opposite of “life,” that is, “death,” without ceasing to be “soul.” (105d-e) 5. But what does not admit death is also indestructible. (105e-106d) 6. Therefore, the soul is indestructible. (106e-107a)

5 The Big Question Are the four traditional Greek virtues (wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice) a unity? Are they all different kinds of the same thing? Do they all have the same one thing in common?

6 Two Unit-Sum Relationships
Kinds Parts A kind of a thing takes the name of the thing of which it is a kind. A part of a thing does not take the name of the thing of which it is a part.


8 Two Radically Different Worldviews
Socrates Every virtue is a kind of knowledge. Protagoras Some virtues are not kinds of knowledge.

9 Protagoras Outline Hippocrates and Socrates discuss sophistry.
They go to Callias’s house. They meet Protagoras. Socrates and Protagoras start discussing virtue. Socrates tries to leave. Protagoras ends the discussion.






15 Who is a Sophist? Who or what is a Sophist? Take some time and think about this question with a partner or group.

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