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Western Democracies Stumble

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1 Western Democracies Stumble

2 Warm Up: Turn in your classwork/homework
Write in your notebook the four themes that we went over yesterday include examples of each Go over primary sources on Elmo

3 Britain Politics Following WWI, considered a victor and and looser
During the 1920s, conservatives held much power in Great Britain. After a strike in 1926, conservatives limited power of workers to strike “Irish Question” 1916, militant Irish nationalists revolted against Britain 1919, Parliament failed again to establish home-rule Home-rule = self-rule Guerrilla war against the British 1922, agreement was met – Division of Ireland

4 France Politics Following WWI, considered both a victor and a loser
French Third Republic ( ) Political divisions and financial scandals Many parties competed for power Debates included how to get reparations from Germany Quickly changing governments

5 France Foreign Policy Concerned about Germany invading
To prevent invasion, built massive fortifications Maginot Line (Ma-Gi-No) Allied with Soviet Union and insisted on strict payment of reparations France wanted to keep Germany’s economy weak Britain didn’t want this If Germany is too weak, France and Soviet Union too powerful!

6 Maginot Line

7 Maginot Line

8 Maginot Line

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