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CS224N: Query Focused Multi-Document Summarization

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1 CS224N: Query Focused Multi-Document Summarization
Surabhi Gupta Mayukh Bhaowal Konstantin Davydov

2 Problem A set of documents for a particular query.
Goal: Create a summary that best answers the query. First step: Find relevant sentences to the query from the input set of documents. Second step: Construct a summary using these sentences.

3 Sentence Weighting We go through all the sentences.
Weight of each sentence j: Weight computed using Frequency TFIDF: term frequency inverse document frequency

4 Clustering 25-50 documents => redundancy
Cluster the sentences based on similarity Unigram Sentence alignment Put “best” sentence from each cluster in the summary

5 Results using ROUGE-1 TFIDF with C2 performs best (38.8%; best DUC system had a score of 45.85%) C1: clustering using unigram C2: clustering using sentence alignment

6 Query Expansion Try to expand the query by adding more words which are relevant to the original query. Train a logistic regression model with features: Wordnet similarity Part of speech Location within document Results were not satisfactory, but we plan to use better features such as co-occurrence with query terms, distributional similarity.

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