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Controlling the Neutral Drell-Yan at high mass

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1 Controlling the Neutral Drell-Yan at high mass
Samir Ferrag University of Glasgow ATLAS UK Physics Meeting, Durham, 09-11/01/2008

2 Introduction Context: high mass Dilepton-Analysis with ATLAS:
Standard Model + Detector ---> New Physics (afternoon talk) Question: How much do we control the Standard Model ? Mini-Workshop in Glasgow: kindly funded by SUPA* and Glasgow Physics Department Working group: F. Piccinini, S. Moretti, C. Carloni, C. Sephered, J. Jackson, S. harper, A. Viccini, S. Pozzorini, B. Jantzen, D. Wackeroth and S. Ferrag Goal: bring together knowledge of QCD and ElectroWeak theories and apply it to a Dileptons at high mass for the best possible theoretical prediction might be tested with early LHC data * SUPA for Scottish Universities for Physics Alliance

3 Output (Preliminary) 0- Introduction 1- QCD
1.1- Existing tools and calculations 1.2- Effects of NLO corrections 2-EW 2.1- NLO corrections 2.2- Multiples photons emissions 2.3- Sudakov Logs loop vs Sudakov approx, 2-loops Sudakov 3- Combined effects parton level + shower level 4- Uncertainties 4.1 PDFs 4.2 Energy scale (QCD, QED) 4.3 Input Scheme 4.4 Others a-QED+QCD b-NNNLO… c-Shower… 5-Summary and Conclusion 5.1- Summary and results 5.2- Conclusion

4 Calculating the Drell-Yan Cross section
Change the W by Z

5 Status of QCD calculation and tools
- - - - - -

6 QCD NLO corrections I

7 QCD NLO corrections II

8 EW calculations and tools for Z
- -

9 2-Loop EW Sudakov logs From Virtual Weak boson corrections:
large log EW corrections: - 1-Loop >> 10% - 2-Loop >>1% Asymptotic expansion at high energy for M2W/s << 1 Typical size of the leading 2-loop logarithms: Strong simplification, process independent treatments Good precision Using the 2-loop EW Sudakov logs is a good approximation to full EW 2-loop calculation

10 Testing the 1-loop EW Sudakov
Preliminary Comparison 1 Full Loop calculation ZGRAD2 and LO+1-loop Sudakov

11 EW: 2-loop Sudakov Logs Preliminary
2 loop Sudakov calculated and injected into HORACE

12 Combining QCD and EW corrections
At LO, the MC are tuned to agree @ 0.1% level

13 Corrections on invariant mass
Preliminary No QCD LL

14 Pt of the lepton pair Preliminary No QCD LL

15 Pt of the lepton Preliminary No QCD LL

16 Lepton and lepton pair rapidities
Preliminary No QCD LL No QCD LL

17 Conclusion Successful interaction experimentalists-theorists
Toward a control of the high mass dileptons and precision predictions Further work: uncertainties Results will be injected and used in the ATLAS CSC

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