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Randomized PRF Tree Walking Algorithm for Secure RFID

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Presentation on theme: "Randomized PRF Tree Walking Algorithm for Secure RFID"— Presentation transcript:

1 Randomized PRF Tree Walking Algorithm for Secure RFID
Leonid Bolotnyy and Gabriel Robins Department of Computer Science University of Virginia

2 Talk Outline Identification Problem Reader-tag Authentication Problem
Secure Binary-Tree Walking Algorithm Reader-tag Authentication Problem Multi-tag RFID Systems

3 Identification Problem
Tag ID Tags Reader Local Server

4 Secure Identification Problem
Tag ID Tags Reader Local Server

5 Passive vs. Active Adversary
Reader Tag Eavesdropper Backward Range Forward Range

6 Secure Binary-Tree Walking
R. Rivest, S. Weis, EPCglobal, Inc. Each tag generates a random number Reader tree-walks these random numbers Selected tag transmits its real-ID 1 11 111 10 110 101 100 01 011 010 00 001 000

7 Algorithm Analysis Major questions about the algorithm:
1. How to deal with collisions on real-IDs? 2. How to choose optimal random number length? 3. How to choose the threshold? n: number of tags, m: random number length Number of tags per random number will have a Poisson distribution (Expected number of random IDs with k tags) (Expected total number of colliding tags) (Cost function) where t is the smallest exponent for which

8 Optimal random number length
Use average n over many traverse runs

9 Determining threshold
bits) (Expected number of tags on a branch after Pr[ tags match in threshold number of bits] = For n = 2000, after about 11 bits, we expect zero, one, or two bits per branch Still have a “long” way to finish traversing the tree Costly over all branches if we traverse every branch to the end Start the threshold at 2 Increase threshold by 1 if collision occurs Decrease threshold by 1 if over the entire traverse no collisions occurred

10 Randomized PRF Tree Walking Algorithm
Goal: Efficiently solve reader-tag authentication problem in the presence of many tags Steps of the algorithm: 1. Each tag generates a random number, and the reader performs a tree-walk on these numbers 2. Once a tag is selected, the reader and the tag engage in a tree-waking private authentication protocol 3. The reader moves the tag to a different position in a tree.

11 Binary Tree of Secrets D. Molnar and D. Wagner
Privacy and Security in Library RFID Issues, Practices, and Architecture

12 Step 1 Each tag generates a random number, and the reader
performs a tree-walk on these numbers

13 Step 2 Once a tag is selected, the reader and the tag engage
in a tree-waking private authentication protocol

14 Step 3 The reader moves the tag to a different position in a tree

15 Properties of the Algorithm
Allows on-line addition and removal of tags Provides security against active eavesdroppers Offers security against foreign readers Enables dynamic tradeoff between security, privacy and singulation time Effective against active attacks stealing a tag tracking and hotlisting Requires a tag to be equipped with pseudo-random function, XOR unit random number generator writable memory

16 Space and Time Complexity Evolution
D. Molnar and D. Wagner Our algorithm Our algorithm assuming secrets are hard to steal Our algorithm assuming tags are read often and/or secrets are very hard to steal

17 Random Number Generator
V Random Bits No Connect Will Ware The voltage signal is amplified, disturbed, stretched, and sampled, resulting in random bits.

18 New Idea: Multi-Tags Attach more than one tag to an object
Redundant Tags Dual-Tags Own Memory Only Shared Memory Only Own and Shared Memory Triple-Tags n-Tags 1 3 4 2

19 Benefits of Multi-Tag Systems
New applications Increased expected voltage on a tag Increased expected communication range Increased availability Increased memory Increased reliability Increased durability Enhanced security

20 Our Current and Future Work
Find New and Improve Existing Algorithms A. Juels, S. Weis Authentication algorithms with human protocols D. Molnar, D. Wagner Tag identification with delegation, ownership transfer A. Juels Efficient cloning-resistant identification algorithms New and emerging problems Let’s Collaborate!

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