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Economics Chapter 7 Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics Chapter 7 Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics Chapter 7 Review

2 Vocabulary trust economies of scale oligopoly negative externality

3 Vocabulary cease and desist order patent collusion
product differentiation price discrimination

4 Concepts Market Structures Externalities Characteristics/Descriptions
Perfect competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly Types Characteristics Externalities

5 Concepts What are the conditions of perfect competition?
What do these conditions imply? Monopoly What are the different types of monopolies? What is the result of monopolies in the market?

6 Concepts What might be the results in the economy of mergers?
Role of Government What is its role, and what does it provide?

7 Competitive Continuum
If you were to place the different market structures on a continuum, where would; perfect competition, oligopoly, monopoly, monopolistic competition be located?

8 Concepts Governmental Regulatory Agencies
Basic understanding of what they do. Identify and describe them What are they? What do they do? Why are they needed? How does this government interaction help the public/consumers?

9 Concepts Anti-trust Laws What did they do? Why were they needed?
Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)

10 Concepts Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)
Regulate unfair competition in interstate commerce. Robinson – Patman Act (1936) Forbade rebates and discounts unless they were offered to all buyers.

11 Visuals – Section 1 Pg. 191

12 Visuals – Section 2 Pg. 191

13 Visuals – Section 1 Pg. 191

14 Federal Regulatory Agencies
Pg. 187

15 Characteristics of Market Structures
Pg. 175

16 Essays What are the 5 conditions of perfect competition? Why are they important?

17 Essays Describe negative externalities. How can negative externalities be corrected? Can the solution to one externality be a problem for others? Why?

18 Essays What are the problems with monopolies? What effect, if any, do monopolies have on consumers and the economy?

19 Essays Why does the government regulate monopolistic companies? Why do government officials believe that all corporations need to stay away from those business practices that may be considered monopolistic in nature?

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