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Energy Evolution for the Sivers Asymmetries in Hard Processes

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1 Energy Evolution for the Sivers Asymmetries in Hard Processes
Peng Sun LBNL in collaboration with F Yuan arXiv:

2 Outlines TMD factorization Energy evolution
Fit the sivers function with SIDIS experiments Implement the TMD evolution from low Q SIDIS to Drell-Yan Collins asymmetries 2019/2/24 2

3 TMD factorization TMD factorization is an extension and simplification to the collinear factorization Simplifies the kinematics Power counting, correction 1/Q neglected (PT,Q)=H(Q) f1(x1,k1T,Q) f2(x2,k2T, Q) S(T) There is no x- and kT-dependence in the hard factor 2019/2/24 3

4 Energy evolution By solving CSS evolution equations At the leading order of ɑs


6 There is no Landau pole singularity in the integral
Almost parameter-free No Q-dependent non-perturbative form factor Gaussian assumption at lower scale Q0 2019/2/24 6

7 SIDIS SIDIS at HERMES g0=0.1, gh=0.045 Q2=3.14GeV2, x=0.16 Q2=3.14GeV2
2019/2/24 7

8 SIDIS at COMPASS, Q2=7.75, x=0.1

9 Drell-Yan 2019/2/24 9

10 Fit to Sivers asymmetries
With the evolution effects taken into account. Not so large Q difference 2019/2/24 10




14 Uncertainties in the Sivers functions: moments
Up quark most constrained in the moderate x Large uncertainties in small-x region and sea quark 2019/2/24 14

15 Predictions at RHIC About a factor of 2 reduction, as compared to previous order of magnitude difference 2019/2/24 15

16 Collins asymmetries in e+e- →hh
The collins effect is porprotianal to cos(2ɸ0)

17 Collins asymmetries Ec.m.≈10GeV, di-hadron azimuthal asymmetric correlation in e+e- annihilation 2019/2/24 17

18 Test the evolution at BEPC
Ec.m.=4.6GeV, di-hadron in e+e- annihilation BEPC-(Beijing electron-positron collider) 2019/2/24 18

19 Conclusion We evaluate the energy dependence for Sivers asymmetries in hard processes, from HERMES/COMPASS to typical Drell-Yan process The same evolution procedure consistently describes the Collins asymmetries from HERMES/COMPASS and BELLE Further tests are needed to nail down this issue 2019/2/24 19

20 Thank you very much!

21 Ji Ma Yuan scheme, in SIDIS
Structure function is It depends on ρ

22 Collins scheme This version is much simpler than that of Ji Ma Yuan

23 In Aybat-Collins-Qiu-Rogers framework
And then Here gK(b) is gc×b2

24 Energy Evolution in TMD factorization scheme
Aybat-Collins-Qiu-Rogers, 2011

25 Q2-dependence Aybat-Prokudin-Rogers, 2011 Needs a cross check!
2019/2/24 25

26 Collins asymmetries in SIDIS
asd 2019/2/24 26

27 Energy evolution In our framework At the leading order of ɑs

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