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2 From Alpha to Ω IEEE offers much more than a globally open, rules-based standardization ecosystem. For over 130 years, IEEE has been the place where.

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Presentation on theme: "2 From Alpha to Ω IEEE offers much more than a globally open, rules-based standardization ecosystem. For over 130 years, IEEE has been the place where."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 From Alpha to Ω IEEE offers much more than a globally open, rules-based standardization ecosystem. For over 130 years, IEEE has been the place where new technology areas emerge, become visible for the first time and are thoroughly debated. Where things mature, consensus is built and standards are established. We are a global democracy of technical experts, with a formidable reputation of technical excellence in vast areas of technology and science, setting the stage for generations of scientists and technologists to advance technology for humanity.

2 IEEE’s Holistic Offer Universally open, no permission,
3 IEEE’s Holistic Offer Universally open, no permission, no passport needed Building Holistic Technical Communities & Share their Knowledge (Publish) Early Tech Cycle (Αlpha): Debate (Conferences, controversial, all opinions on table) Educate (ourselves and others); Interact with other communities (includes Tech Policy) Mature Tech Cycle (Ω): Build Consensus (Standards, Guides, Codes, Alliances)

3 IEEE and Global Standards in the Era of Big Smart
4 IEEE and Global Standards in the Era of Big Smart From Smart Meter to Smart Home, to Smart Grid and Smart Car, to Smart Village and Smart City, Connecting Machines and Persons (including eHealth) Intertwined with the saga of 5G: is it about bringing 4G to the next level (linear progression) or about creating a new animal? Ingredients: massive improvements in Sensors, Connecting, Computing, Powering, Architecture (only?) Competing technologies and narratives, looming standards wars among technology companies and regions threaten progress In addition, technology alone, without trust, will not deliver the promise of big “smart x”

4 Bridging the Policy Gap
5 Bridging the Policy Gap As the rate of techno-scientific progress accelerates, IEEE decided to address explicitly questions of social and ethical implications of science and technology, because our mission is not to advance technology (period), but to advance technology to achieve another overarching goal: namely, to explicitly benefit humanity We are doing so by establishing: A Global Public Policy Unit at the level of IEEE’s Board of Directors The IEEE Internet Initiative, aiming at restoring trust to the Internet by contributing to development of trustworthy technologies and standards and by bridging the gap between technical communities and political actors A Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Design of Autonomous Systems An initiative for taking into account Social Implications of Technology across all Societies and Technical Councils of IEEE.

5 6 3 Take Aways IEEE is global and inclusive. It plays an active role in the entire technology lifecycle, from Alpha (open controversial debate) to Ω (consensus through standards). To address deeply routed trust issues related to technology, we are creating open dialogue and consensus building platforms, in collaboration with other societal and political forces. IEEE actively seeks collaboration with other SDOs and technological institutions on the basis of areas of competence and respect.

6 A Member of Global Standards Collaboration
7 A Member of Global Standards Collaboration

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