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Путешествие по стране изучаемого языка

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Presentation on theme: "Путешествие по стране изучаемого языка"— Presentation transcript:

1 Путешествие по стране изучаемого языка

2 [s] [s] [s] Palace, square, stadium [z] [z] [z] hasn’t, museum, doesn’t [d] [d] [d] stadium, radio, legent, building, guade [t] [t] [t] capital, art, tourist, monument, tower, visit [n] [n] [n] Britain, London, well-known, chance [o:] [o:] [o:] Picture, capital, plan, park [h] [h] [h] Hello, have, has, hundreds

3 You will go to London tomorrow
Will you go to London tomorrow? You will not go to London tomorrow I live in the Palace Do you live in the Palace? You don’t live in the Palace I visited Moscow a week ago Did you visit Moscow a week ago? You didn’t visit Moscow a week ago

4 Did,what, yesterday, she, see, in the park?
Who, last, was, in Moscow, year? You, Abbey, visit, will, Westminister, when? Big, why, do, want, you, Ben, to see?

5 What did she see in the park yesterday?
Who was in Moscow last year? When will you visit Westminster Abbey? Why do you want to see Big Ben?

6 My advertisment

7 физкультминутка Hands up, hands down Hands on hips, sit down Stand up
Hands to the side Bend left, bend right Hands on hips,jump, jump Thank you sit down

8 Look at the map and remember

9 Match the names


11 At home: Ex. 6, p. 73. Make questions
Ex. 16, p. 75. Draw a map of your town

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