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Epidemiology of Reproductive and Early Years

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Presentation on theme: "Epidemiology of Reproductive and Early Years"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemiology of Reproductive and Early Years
Our Healthy Future? Epidemiology of Reproductive and Early Years Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Dr Shantini Paranjothy

2 Overview Teenage pregnancy Risks to a healthy future Birth outcomes
Early years (0 – 2) Our Healthy Future?

3 Teenage pregnancy Pre-term birth OR 1.2 – 1.9 Low birth weight
Baby at increased risk of Pre-term birth OR 1.2 – 1.9 Low birth weight OR 1.2 – 1.8 Neonatal mortality OR 1.3 – 2.7 Harm, illness, injuries Behavioural and emotional complications 2 X more likely to have a teen birth Source: Paranjothy et al Arch Dis Child :

4 Conception rates E & W Source: ONS

5 Public Health Wales Observatory

6 Complex social factors
Risks to a healthy future Complex social factors Alcohol Illegal drugs Environment Obesity Smoking

7 Obesity Pre-eclampsia RR 3 Gest diabetes RR 3 Thromboembolism OR 2.6
Baby Mother Pre-eclampsia RR 3 Gest diabetes RR 3 Thromboembolism OR 2.6 Post partum haemorhage RR 4 Stillbirth RR 2 Preterm birth RR 1.2 Intensive care RR 1.5 Large for gestational age RR 2 Source: CEMACE

8 Obesity

9 Cigarette smoking Miscarriage OR 1.5 Stillbirth OR 2.O
Infant mortality OR 1.8 Prematurity RR 1.3

10 Cigarette smoking Source: Infant Feeding Survey (2005)

11 Smoking data in Wales Powys 150 97% 19% Cwm Taf 3,982 96% 21% BCU
Health Board Total births Data completeness (%) Smoking prevalence (%) Powys 150 97% 19% Cwm Taf 3,982 96% 21% BCU 6,858 89% 17% Hywel Dda 3,254 86% 11% ABMU 6,050 27% 2% CVU 6,031 5% 98% AB 5,928 0.5% 13% Source: NCCHD 2009

12 Alcohol Source: Infant Feeding Survey (2005) Outcomes: Miscarriage, chromosomal abnormalities, disordered fetal growth, perinatal death and susceptibility to disease in later life

13 Birth Outcomes Our Healthy Future?

14 Stillbirth Our Healthy Future?

15 Cause of stillbirth (AWPS 2005-09)
Antepartum haemorrhage (8.5%) Congenital anomaly (15.2%) Maternal disorder (6.1%) Mechanical (4.8%) Pre-eclamspia (3.0%) Unexplained (57.4%) Our Healthy Future?

16 Preterm birth <36 weeks
Source: AWPS and NCCHD Our Healthy Future?

17 Inequalities in preterm birth <36 weeks
Source: AWPS and NCCHD Our Healthy Future?

18 Low birth weight <2500g Source: AWPS and NCCHD Our Healthy Future?

19 Birth weight > 4000g Source: AWPS and NCCHD Our Healthy Future?

20 Infant mortality Our Healthy Future?

21 Public Health Wales Observatory

22 Causes of infant mortality
Preterm birth (35%) Congenital anomaly (21%) Sudden unexplained death in infancy (11%) Infection (11%) Intrapartum events (9%) Our Healthy Future?

23 23

24 Early Years (0-2) Our Healthy Future?

25 Breastfeeding Our Healthy Future?


27 Complex social factors
Illegal drug use Benefits Unemployment Homeless Domestic violence Our Healthy Future?

28 28

29 Insert name of presentation on Master Slide

30 30

31 Conclusion Inequalities persist
Some risk factors and outcomes not e-captured What should be done? How will we know its making a difference? Can surveillence make a difference?

32 Is my future bright?

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