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Early Years DSL Network

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1 Early Years DSL Network
9th October 2017

2 The Children and Social Work bill – what it means for you
Local Safeguarding arrangements Serious case reviews – national Local learning review – local Child Death Review processes

3 National Issues How safe are our children
Safeguarding in the voluntary and community sector Safeguarding children in black and minority ethnic communities

4 National issues Prevent/Prevent Peer inspection
E-Safety and the use of social media The impact of child sexual abuse

5 Joint Targeted Area Inspections
What is a JTAI JTAI programme to date Local response Findings

6 The development of the infant brain
The developing understanding of the importance of this

7 Local updates E-Learning opportunities Safe sleeping
Emerging pressures and trends IICSA Self-harm Honour based violence Pathway Young carers

8 Family Support Manager, Midlands
Ruth Brown Family Support Manager, Midlands

9 The Heart of Safe Families
Prevent child neglect & abuse Stabilise families in times of crisis Reduce the number of children taken into care The aims of Safe Families are.....

10 Three key ways we help... Safe, short-stay Hosting for children
Befriending support for parents and children Donations of basic goods and services

11 Examples of families we have helped

12 How to refer If you have a family you’d like to refer please get in contact with the Midlnads office who will you a referral form. In Nottingham City all referrals must be sent to Ben Thurley who is the gatekeeper. Ben then passes on referrals to Safe Families, prioritised by sense of urgency as well as date sent.

* 13

14 Personal Background Mojatu Foundation

15 Following regular Mojatu meetings with members of the Community FGM Steering Group and survivors, Mojatu approached the Sheriff of Nottingham (FGM Ambassador) and other councillors to request the city to take a strong stance on tackling FGM and this led to a motion moved by the Sheriff in the full council house meeting in September where members of the community and partners attended. The motion was passed thus making Nottingham the first city in the UK to officially declare Zero Tolerance to FGM. The declaration came with a set of commitments by the city which includes working closely with survivors and affected communities, training for front line professionals and development of a referral pathway among other commitments. Following the declaration Mojatu organised an event in parliament as part of the Nottingham in Parliament to influence policy and get other cities to follow suit. – illustration of working together.

16 Key Learning Objectives
To inform participants what is meant by the term FGM and how it can impact on individuals and communities To help participants understand why FGM is practiced and how they can get involved To raise awareness of indicators and risk factors in the context of safeguarding and legal responsibilities   To help participant understand support available and other work in the community VMc

17 What do we know about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)? Training?

18 What is Female Genital Mutilation?
‘FGM is a procedure where the female genital organs are injured or changed and there is no medical reason for this. It is frequently a very traumatic and violent act for the victim and can cause harm in many ways.’ Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM – HM Government 2016 Female Circumcision? Female Genital Cutting?

19 Other names within Communities
Ibiugwu, Omobirin, Kutahiri Wasichana, Gudiniin, Kurua, Khitan, Tahoor, Mekhnishab, Megrez, Niaka, Sunna, Bondo, Khifad Val

20 Before we go any further…..

21 Un-cut female genitalia
Get participants to name the parts – urethra, labia minora and majora, clitoris, vagina. Knowing the ‘un-cut’ female genitalia is the foundation upon which we can build knowledge and understanding.


23 Types of FGM Type 1 – Clitoridectomy: partial or total removal of the clitoris (a small, sensitive and erectile part of the female genitals) and, in very rare cases, only the prepuce (the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris). Type 2 – Excision: partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (the labia are the ‘lips’ that surround the vagina).

24 Types of FGM Type 3 – Infibulation: narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal. The seal is formed by cutting and repositioning the inner, or outer, labia, with or without removal of the clitoris. Type 4 – Other: all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, e.g. pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterising the genital area. Multi-agency statutory guidance on FGM HM Government 2016

25 Val

26 Prevalence Percentage of girls and women aged who have undergone FGM in Africa, the Middle East, and Indonesia Senegal 25 Gambia 75 Guinea- Bissau 45 Guinea 97 Sierra Leone 90 Liberia 50 Cote d’lvoire 38 Bukina Faso 76 Ghanna 4 Togo 5 Benin 9 < 10 10-20 20-50 51-80 > 80 No data % of 0-11yrs Indonesia 49 UNICEF global databases 2016

27 Statistics Estimated that up to 200 million women and girls worldwide have undergone FGM (UNICEF 2016) Age varies but mainly carried out between 5 and 8 yrs Estimated 103,000 women aged and approximately 24,000 women aged 50 + who have migrated to England and Wales are living with the consequences of FGM Approximately 10,000 girls aged under 15 who have migrated to England and Wales are likely to have undergone FGM. Nottingham City ranks 9th in terms of highest prevalence rates outside of London (2nd after Leicester City in the East Midlands region)

28 What reasons do you think are given for FGM?


30 Potential Risk Factors
Any girl Born to a woman who has been subjected to FGM and or has a sister or cousin has already undergone FGM whose father comes from a practicing community Where the belief that FGM is integral to cultural/religious identity. Where there are strong levels influence and involvement of elders in family life With limited level of integration within UK community - knowledge of the law Family is not engaging with professionals, Withdrawn from PSHE, Family is known to Social Care Concern from other family members 31

31 Possible Signs and Indicators
FGM may be about to take place: FGM may already have taken place: Unexpectedly absent from school Female family elder visiting from country of origin You hear reference to FGM in conversation Talk about a ‘special procedure’ or that she is going to ‘become a woman’. A girl may request help Parents state that they or a relative will take the child out of the country for a prolonged period. A girl may talk about a long holiday to her country of origin or another country where the practice is prevalent Parents seeking to withdraw their children from learning about FGM Difficulty walking, sitting or standing Spending a long time in the toilet Urinary, menstrual or stomach problems Prolonged or repeated absences from school Noticeable behaviour change Requests to be excused from PE/swimming Girl or family member tell someone or ask for help May talk about pain or discomfort between her legs Increased emotional/psychological needs

32 Impact on health On Health Emotion / Psychologically
Urine retention – leading to UTIs Complications in pregnancy and childbirth Difficulties in menstruation Bleeding/hemorrhaging Sexual dysfunction Severe pain and shock Infection Fracture Cysts and abscesses Psychological damage including PTSD Death Trauma Betrayal Loss Feelings of fear around sex or intimacy Confused Anxious Angry Ashamed Defensive Proud A sense of belonging Might not know how they feel

33 What does the law say? FGM has been illegal since 1985 (Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985; Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003) Illegal to take British nationals or UK residents abroad for FGM (whether it’s legal in that country or not) Illegal to aid, abet, counsel or procure the carrying out of FGM in UK or abroad It’s now under the Serious Crime Act 2015 It is mandatory for all regulated professionals (teacher, healthcare, social care) to report any cases involving girls under 18 should they discover that FGM has been carried- Use 101, the non-emergency crime number

34 Refugee Women Voices on FGM

35 A survivor's experience.…
11 years old?- WOMAN! Celebrations, presents Excitement and fear No shaming the family A generational thing More than 15 yrs to get over the anger Interruption of education- still happening Val

36 Working with our communities Mojatu Foundation work
Community FGM Steering Group (formed in March 2014) Survivors’ club- Support for survivors Cultural events and information sessions Conferences, workshops and Training Film viewings, Interfaith discussions Community Champions project Community engagement events and sports Community magazine, radio and TV presentations Talks/presentations/young people Partnership with CCFSB (Jan 2015). First City of Zero Tolerance with Sheriff! Mojatu Foundation in Parliament! Mojatu at United Nations Val




40 Sorry it’s “their culture/religion” I can not do anything Challenging FGM confidently
A form of Child abuse and affects girls and women physically, emotionally and psychologically Is a human rights violation, a form of violence against women and Girls Violation of bodily integrity – bodily harm FGM is illegal in the UK and carries a 14 years imprisonment- failure to protect is also a crime FGM is NOT an African problem only but it is a global problem. It is NOT an Islamic practice Acknowledge it as a sensitive issue DUTY OF CARE + MANDATORY REPORTING

How can you help? Moral duty of care- Support those at risk and survivors and report any serious concerns immediately Encourage awareness raising in your institution through posters, leaflets etc. Engage and build trust with parents/community members Talk about it to others in your profession and share knowledge Donate/fundraise/volunteer to support organisations tackling FGM IT IS EVERYBODY’S RESPONSIBILITY! Val

42 Important contacts/resources
UK FGM clinics Multi-agency practice guidelines- Concerned or need to refer??? Follow your institution’s safeguarding procedures to ensure concerns are dealt with ASAP Liaise with local social services for safeguarding NSPCC – helpline dedicated to FGM that is anonymous and open 24/7, you can call them on: Urgent matters ring 999 immediately Refer survivors to community groups like Mojatu Foundation for further support. Val

43 Further Information and Support
(Daughters of Eve) See also p72-77 Multi-Agency statutory guidance on FGM

44 Contacts and more information
Websites: and Tel & M: / & Facebook: Valentine Nkoyo and Mojatu Foundation

45 The FGM Board’s adopted logo

46 Allegations or Concerns About Adults who work in a Position of Trust

47 Chapter 5 of the NCSCB Procedures
Relevant concerns are those that indicate an individual may have: Behaved in a way that has harmed a child. Possibly committed an offence against a child. Behaved in a way that indicates she/he may not be suitable to work with children.

48 Allegations/concerns management
All organisations that provide services to children, should operate a procedure for handling allegations that are consistent with: Working Together 2015 Chapter 5 of NCSCB Procedures Section 11 of the Children Act 2004

49 Key Principles continued
Allegations/concerns are resolved as soon as possible Actions/decisions are recorded NCSCB oversees the allegations management processes and monitors the effectiveness of local procedures

50 The Role of the Local Authority Designated Officer
LADO Guidance and advise re allegations/concerns Objective decisions are made Monitors cases Strategy meetings Liaises with police and other agencies

51 LADO arrangements in Nottingham City
Richard Powell – LADO Karen Shead LADO responsibilities –Childcare and other children’s activities Gillian Quincey - Schools and Education LADO Business Support

52 LADO Contacts LADO Business Support 0115 8764776
Maria Kyrris LADO Business Support Richard Powell LADO Tel Gillian Quincey Schools and Education Safeguarding Co-ordinator Tel – Karen Shead 0-19 Safeguarding Tel – LADO e mail account

53 LADO Referrals Contact with the LADO should be made as soon as a concern arises to ascertain: Whether it is a matter that can be dealt with as a disciplinary Whether the police and/or Children’s Social Care might need to be involved How and by whom the parents/carers of the child should be informed How, when and by whom the staff member who the allegation is about has been made aware of the concerns What support the child and their parents/carer may require Immediate measures which may need to be put in place - suspension, restricted duties Issues re restriant of a child – need to consdier the agnecy policy re restraint and the use of safe handling Ofsted requirements

54 Ofsted Requirements Child Protection 3.4 Policy and procedure in the event of an allegation being made 3.6 Training that includes inappropriate behaviour by staff members 3.7 Keeping Children Safe in Education 3.8 Oftsed informed –as soon as is reasonably practicable, but at the latest 14 days

55 Key Messages If in doubt if it is an allegation or a concern contact the LADO Contact LADO prior to taking any internal action Inform Ofsted in a timely manner

56 Next DSL Network Tuesday 13th February pm – 4.00pm Nottingham Racecourse Arrival from 1pm for refreshments and networking

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