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SPS Charm(onium) and Bottom(onium) measurements

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1 SPS Charm(onium) and Bottom(onium) measurements
E. Scomparin INFN Torino (Italy) Via P. Giuria 1, I Torino (Italy) Abstract Heavy quark and quarkonium production are an essential part of the heavy-ion program at SPS energy. In particular, quarkonium production has been studied by NA38, NA50 and, more recently, by the NA60 experiment. The results show that in both In-In and Pb-Pb collisions an anomalous J/ suppression is present, i.e. suppression mechanisms different from nuclear absorption must be invoked to explain the observed J/ yield. The onset of the anomalous suppression occurs at around Npart=100. From the comparison of the centrality pattern of the J/ suppression bewtween various systems, one can possibly single out the physics variable, related to centrality, that drives the J/ suppression. A first study of open charm production, triggered by the previous discovery (by Helios-3 and NA38/NA50) of a dimuon excess in the intermediate mass region (m<mµµ<mJ/), has been recently performed by NA60. Preliminary results show that, in In-In collisions, open charm production scales, with respect to pp and pA, with the number of nucleon-nucleon collisions. This result implies that the intermediate mass excess is not due to an anomalous open charm enhancement, but rather to a “prompt” source. Further work, by theory and experiment, is needed in order to understand if thermal dimuon production can account for the observed excess.

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