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Movie? Father: successful fire-fighter

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2 Movie? Father: successful fire-fighter
Mother: involved with church activities Daughter: successful lawyer Son: community serving fire-fighter.

3 Or, Real Life? A closer look at the family reveals:
Father: a recovering alcoholic Son: a drunkard cheating on his wife… Daughter: a closet lesbian about to announce her wedding engagement… Mother: trying to hide her family’s dysfunctional ways and maintain an outward reputation as having “the perfect family.”

4 Upcoming Family Series
Before we delve into the following sermons regarding a “Biblical Family” we need to rid ourselves of unnecessary, unfruitful, even unreasonable views that adversely affects us as Christian families.

5 Necessary Caveats This series is aimed at families BUT
We must be aware of… and sensitive to… Divorced/Separated families. Single (never married, divorced)


7 Godly Families Where parents love and respect one another. Eph. 5:22-33 Where parents teach and train their children in the way of the Lord. Prov. 22:6 Where children honor and respect their parents. Eph. 6:1-3 Such are godly examples that bring about justifiable praise from their peers.

8 Reality Check Many families in Christ are not like the above.
Many families have one, more, or all of its members struggling with fleshly weaknesses or sins. The reality: Each family consists of unique lives. Ever changing circumstances always presents unforeseen challenges.

9 Biblically dysfunctional Families
Adam and Eve had a son guilty of murder and they weren’t without sin. Gn. 1-4 Noah gets drunk with a son (Ham) who “looked upon (his father’s) nakedness.” Gn. 9 Abraham, Isaac, Eli, Samuel, Saul, David, Israel/Judah kings, etc., etc., etc.

10 Being in a “family” will create a unique environment that will challenge your strengths and expose your weaknesses unlike any other day-to-day relationships.


12 Contributing Members This only happens when each individual substantially contributes to the family’s well-being. cp. Eph. 4:15-16 That is the purpose of this family series: looking at the various family roles and major events that shapes its members into a unit that aims to glorify God.

13 Conclusion Maybe you, your family, friends, neighbors are struggling within your family. Maybe this series of messages will help provide insight and healing your broken family. Maybe it will simply deepen your conviction to realize just how mucy we need a Savior in Jesus.

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