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“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going”

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1 “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going”
GOAL SETTING “People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going” Freshman Seminar

2 Do you set goals?

3 Goals Who needs goals? What are goals? When can you use goals?
Why are goals important? Bucket list….what do you want to accomplish in life

4 Why are goals important?
Goals provide direction. They are commitments Goals mobilize the energies and make the future.

5 Sample Goals Get accepted into a specific college
Save $2,000 to purchase a Jeep Win 10 games next year in Basketball Have a batting average of .350 Obtain a summer job at Subway by June Lose 10 pounds within the next month Increase my maximum bench press to 315 within 6 months Relationship goals

6 Why set goals? Take a minute to write down as many reasons as you can for setting goals.

7 Goal Setting

8 Duration of Goals Short Term 0 to 6 months
Medium Term 6 months to 2 years Long Term 2 years and beyond

9 “SMART” Goals S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic
T = Timely

10 SPECIFIC What details do you want to accomplish?
“I want to do better in history” “I want to increase my history grade from an 85% to a 90%.

11 MEASURABLE All goals should have a way to evaluate whether or not they were accomplished. “I want to run the mile better.” “I want to improve my mile time by 30 seconds.”

12 Which one would be a better goal for Tom Brady?
ATTAINABLE Goals must be something you are capable of reaching. Which one would be a better goal for Tom Brady? “I will help my team to win the Super Bowl” “I will rehabilitate my knee so that I can play football again next season.”

13 Which goal is better for a teacher?
realistic Make goals that are important to you and your lifestyle and also that are realistic. Which goal is better for a teacher? “My goal is to discover a cure for cancer” “My goal is to inspire at least one student to become a doctor to research a cure for cancer”

14 TIMEly Make sure that you have a time set as a “dead line” so your goal is not unending. “My goal is to be able to run a half marathon.” My goal is to run in a half marathon by May of 2015.

15 Roadblocks and detours
Not always easy to obtain your goals You may face obstacles Things that slow you down Things that get in the way that may take you longer to reach your goals How to overcome obstacles: Identify any obstacles you may face before hand; help prevent surprises! Educate Yourself Seek advice Keep a positive attitude!

16 Final tips to goal setting
Write down your goals and look at them often! If you achieved your goals too easily, make your next goals harder. Failure to meet goals only matters if you don’t learn something from your mistakes.

17 Goal Setting How many of you have a long term goal that includes college/trade school? What can you do at the beginning of your high school career to make sure that you reach this goal?

18 SMART Sheet Assignment
Choose a short term, medium term, and long term goal Pick two of these & write a plan for how you will achieve your goal; Include 2 obstacles you may face for each Be sure write SMART Goals: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely

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