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Post-2020 discussions 1. State of play of discussions 2. On-going work 3. Questions for debate.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-2020 discussions 1. State of play of discussions 2. On-going work 3. Questions for debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future post 2020 discussions update ESF Committee Bratislava, 1 December 2016 Vitor Nogueira

2 Post-2020 discussions 1. State of play of discussions 2. On-going work 3. Questions for debate

3 Future of Cohesion Policy: 1. State of play of discussions

4 Two milestones under SK Presidency
EU Cohesion Policy Conference: "Past Evidence, Current Experience and Future Perspectives," Bratislava, September 2016 Council conclusions on "Results and new elements of cohesion policy and the European Structural and Investment Funds", Brussels, 16 November 2016

5 Main messages Recognition of past Reform: (result-orientation, performance, conditionalities, economic governance, etc.) Contribution to EU Priorities: Cohesion policy needs to continue to contribute for economic governance Simplification: Further simplification and more result- oriented approach Differentiation: Need of different approaches in management Harmonisation: Harmonisation of rules, whilst respecting funds-specificities

6 MFF Review: Elements for the future
Flexibility: Right balance between predictability and adaptability. Possibility of reserves Conditionalities: Reflection on ways to enhance it contribution for more effectiveness Leverage and Synergies: How to use EU funding to the fullest Simplification: Explore further ways to simplify the delivery

7 Future of Cohesion Policy: 2. On-going work

8 Main blocks for reflection:
Flexibility: stabilising investments over the medium term, while remaining responsive to new European priorities Performance and the delivery of results: building on the strong focus on results and performance introduced for (intervention logic, performance framework and reserve)  Economic governance/structural reforms: widening the policy context and strengthening the relationship between cohesion policy and economic governance Simplification: Further simplification and more result- oriented approach

9 Simplifying the policy delivery
Differentiation: delivery system aiming to reflect differences in institutional and administrative structures and capacities across Member States Single set of rules for ESI Funds: further harmonisation of rules, whilst keeping policy missions Alternative delivery mechanisms: simpler delivery procedure while focusing on results Stronger synergies with other EU instruments: in particular the EFSI, to maximize the leverage of the EU budget

10 Main processes Preparing the evidence base for Impact Assessment
Lessons from preparation and negotiation of Lessons from the ex post evaluation of programmes; Carrying out a series of studies to collect evidence about the implementation of the different reform elements during the programming and the early implementation stages and to provide analysis for different policy options; Further internal analysis and exchanges with academics. Shaping the debate to identify options for the future Preparation of impact assessment and legislative proposals

11 Relevant studies have been launched
4 studies ("new provisions", ex ante conditionalities, performance framework, partnership principle) Studies on the ESF 1. Analyse programming phase 6 studies (simplification, financial instruments, coordination and harmonisation, alternative delivery mechanisms, feasibility study on budget support, country specific recommendations – "CSRs") 2. Analyse programme implementation and options to feed into the impact assessment

12 Timeline of the studies
When do we expect results?

13 Presentation of policy orientations
The Impact Assessment(s) should be prepared during 2017 and will be followed by a public consultation The Cohesion Forum is planned for May/June 2017 to provide an opportunity for broader stakeholder input into debates The Cohesion report is planned for the end of 2017 and will present the detailed proposals of the Commission for a future policy design post 2020 The adoption of the legislative proposals is expected for 2018

14 Studies and internal work Shaping the debate
MFF proposal Negotiations with EP and Council on the MFF Studies and internal work Shaping the debate Defining and testing options for the future Drafting and negotiation of Commission proposals 2015 2016 2017 2018 LV LU NL SK MT EE BG Better Regulation agenda, EU budget focused on results Budget review and preparation of MFF proposal Impact assessments COM Proposals

15 Exchanges with other institutions and stakeholders
Working closely with other institutions: Regular meetings of High level group on Simplification, which has already finalised reports on e-governance, simplified costs, financial instruments and access of SMEs to financing Following work of the EP, CoR, EESC and Council Interactions with social partners Informal discussions in the ESF Sub-group of the TWG

16 Future of Cohesion Policy: 3. Questions for debate

17 1 - What are the key policy challenges the Funds should tackle?
2 - What synergies can be created between existing Human Capital Funding Instruments? 3 - What are the key challenges for the efficient implementation of the Partnership principle?

18 Thank you!

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