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Time and Effort FY 2016-2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Time and Effort FY 2016-2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time and Effort FY

2 What is Time and Effort? A documentation process to account for the federally funded payroll charges made for personnel. The documentation requirements apply to all HCISD employees with salary charged: Directly to a federal award (100% or fully funded) or Directly to multiple federal awards (split funded) or Directly to any combination of a federal award and other federal, state or local fund sources (split funded)

3 Types of Documentation
Semi-Annual Certification for Employees Who are paid 100% from a federal grant program or Who work under a “single cost objective” Cost Objective means a function, organization subdivision, contract, grant or other activity for which cost data are needed and for which costs are incurred. A Title I Part A school-wide program funded from multiple funding sources is considered a “single cost objective.”

4 Type of Documentation Personnel Activity Report Log (PAR)
Who works under multiple grant programs; or Who works under multiple cost objectives Each employee must prepare PAR logs, at least monthly, to coincide with pay periods. Such reports must reflect an after-the-fact distribution of 100 percent of the actual time spent on each activity and must be signed by the employee and supervisor.

5 Semi-Annual Certification

6 PAR Log

7 Timeline for Documentation

8 Deadlines for Time & Effort
Semi-Annual Certifications will be due twice a year Spring Reports are due in June/July Fall Reports are due in January Summer School Reports are due in August PAR Reports are due the 10th of every month All reports must be submitted to the Accounting Department c/o Ida Ambriz

9 Contact Information Any questions on Time and Effort can be directed to: Ida Ambriz at or Carol Saenz at

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