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Vocabulary 10B.

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1 Vocabulary 10B

2 insuperable (adj.) incapable of being overcome
S:invincible, insurmountable A: surmountable, conquerable To the composer Ludwig van Beethoven, increasing deafness was not an insuperable handicap.

3 lamentable (adj.) to be regretted or pitied
S: deplorable, regrettable, distressing A: praiseworthy, commendable, laudable AFTER A LONG, HARD WINTER, CITY STREETS MAY BE IN A TRULY LAMENTABLE STATE OF DISREPAIR.

4 misnomer (n.) an unsuitable or misleading name
S: misnaming, malapropism The term world series is a misnomer because only north American teams participate in this annual event.

5 profess (v.) to affirm openly; to state belief in; to claim, pretend
S: assert, declare, proclaim, purport A: disclaim, disavow, repudiate My music teacher professed herself satisfied with my technical progress so far this year.

6 respite (n.) a period of relief or rest
S: interval, intermission, lull, breather A vacation provides a respite from the worries and responsibilities of everyday life.

7 retribution (n.) a repayment; a deserved punishment
S: recompense, requital In most ancient societies retribution was swiftly visited on those who broke their promises.

8 sinuous (adj.) winding, having many curves; lithe and flexible
S: twisting, convoluted, serpentine, supple A: direct, straight, unbending, stiff, rigid The trunk of the tree was almost completely encased by sinuous wisteria vines.

9 sonorous (adj.) full, deep, or rich in sound; impressive in style
S: resonant, resounding, grandiloquent A: tinny, reedy, harsh, grating The sonorous tolling of church bells announced the passing of the monarch.

10 vanguard (n.) the foremost part of an army; the leading position in any field S: forefront, cutting edge, trailblazers A: rear guard, stragglers, laggards If a high-tech company is to survive in today’s marketplace, it must remain in the vanguard of innovation.

11 wastrel (n.) a wasteful person, spendthrift; a good-for-nothing
S: loafer, idler, squanderer, profligate A: skinflint, tightwad, miser Many novels have told the sorry tale of a charming but self-destructive wastrel.

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