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Learning Plan 4--Ch. 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissue

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1 Learning Plan 4--Ch. 6 Bones and Skeletal Tissue
Pages , Michael Aprill Lakeshore Technical College

2 Skeletal system is composed of bone & cartilage.
Bones of the Skeleton Each bone is an organ. Skeletal system is composed of bone & cartilage. Two main groups of bone, by location Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton

3 Classification of Bones by Shape (Fig. 6.2)
Long bones Longer than they are wide Short bones Cube-shaped bones (in wrist and ankle) Sesamoid bones (within tendons, e.g., patella) Flat bones Thin, flat, slightly curved Irregular bones Complicated shapes

4 Figure 6.2

5 Functions of Bones Support Protection Movement Storage
For the body and soft organs Protection For brain, spinal cord, and vital organs Movement Levers for muscle action Storage Minerals (calcium and phosphorus) and growth factors

6 Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis) in marrow cavities
Functions of Bones Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis) in marrow cavities Adults: red marrow cavities of femur, head of humerus, & flat bones Newborn: medullary cavities & spongy bone. Triglyceride (energy) storage in bone cavities

7 Bone Markings: Projections (See Table 6.1)
Sites of muscle and ligament attachment Tuberosity—rounded projection Crest—narrow, prominent ridge Trochanter—large, blunt, irregular surface Line—narrow ridge of bone Tubercle—small rounded projection Epicondyle—raised area above a condyle Spine—sharp, slender projection Process—any bony prominence

8 Table 6.1

9 Bone Markings: Projections (See Table 6.1)
Projections that help to form joints Head Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck Facet Smooth, nearly flat articular surface Condyle Rounded articular projection Ramus Armlike bar

10 Table 6.1

11 Bone Markings: Depressions and Openings (See Table 6.1)
Meatus Canal-like passageway Sinus Cavity within a bone Fossa Shallow, basinlike depression Groove Furrow Fissure Narrow, slitlike opening Foramen Round or oval opening through a bone

12 Table 6.1

13 Bone Textures (See Fig. 6.5)
Compact bone Dense outer layer Spongy (cancellous) bone Honeycomb of trabeculae

14 Structure of a Long Bone (Fig. 6.3A-B)
Diaphysis (shaft) Compact bone collar surrounds medullary (marrow) cavity Medullary cavity in adults contains fat (yellow marrow)

15 Structure of a Long Bone (See Figure 6.3A-B)
Epiphyses Expanded ends Spongy bone interior Epiphyseal line (remnant of growth plate) Articular (hyaline) cartilage on joint surface Functions to reduce friction between bones Structure of a Long Bone (See Figure 6.3A-B)

16 Membranes of Bone Periosteum Outer fibrous layer
Inner osteogenic layer Bone forming Cells (osteoblasts)—secrete bone matrix Bone destroying cells (osteoclasts). Give rise to stem cells (osteogenic cells)

17 Membranes of Bone (Fig. 6.3C)
Endosteum Delicate membrane on internal surfaces of bone Also contains osteoblasts and osteoclasts

18 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone
(a) Osteogenic cell (b) Osteoblast Stem cell Matrix-synthesizing cell responsible for bone growth Figure 6.4a-b

19 (c) Osteocyte (d) Osteoclast Mature bone cell that maintains the
bone matrix Bone-resorbing cell Figure 6.4c-d

20 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone: Compact Bone (See Fig. 6.6)
Haversian system, or osteon—structural unit Lamellae Weight-bearing Column-like matrix tubes Central (Haversian) canal Contains blood vessels and nerves

21 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone: Compact Bone (See Fig. 6.7A-C)
Lacunae—small cavities that contain osteocytes Canaliculi—hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal

22 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone: Spongy Bone
Trabeculae Align along lines of stress No osteons Irregularly arranged lamellae, osteocytes, and canaliculi

23 Chemical Composition of Bone: Organic
Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts Osteoid—organic bone matrix secreted by osteoblasts Ground substance (proteoglycans, glycoproteins) Collagen fibers Provide tensile strength and flexibility

24 Chemical Composition of Bone: Inorganic
Hydroxyapatites (mineral salts) 65% of bone by mass Mainly calcium phosphate crystals Responsible for hardness and resistance to compression

25 Osteogenesis (ossification)—bone tissue formation
Bone Development Osteogenesis (ossification)—bone tissue formation Stages Bone formation—begins in the 2nd month of development Postnatal bone growth—until early adulthood Bone remodeling and repair—lifelong

26 Two Types of Ossification (osteogenesis) See Figure 6.8
Intramembranous ossification Membrane bone develops from fibrous membrane Forms flat bones, e.g. clavicles and cranial bones Endochondral ossification Cartilage (endochondral) bone forms by replacing hyaline cartilage Forms most of the rest of the skeleton

27 Intramembranous Ossification (Fig. 6.8A-D)

28 Endochondral Ossification
Uses hyaline cartilage models Requires breakdown of hyaline cartilage prior to ossification

29 Childhood to adolescence
Week 9 Month 3 Birth Childhood to adolescence Articular cartilage Secondary ossification center Spongy bone Epiphyseal blood vessel Area of deteriorating cartilage matrix Epiphyseal plate cartilage Hyaline cartilage Medullary cavity Spongy bone formation Bone collar Blood vessel of periosteal bud Primary ossification center 1 Bone collar forms around hyaline cartilage model. Cartilage in the center of the diaphysis calcifies and then develops cavities. 2 The periosteal bud inavades the internal cavities and spongy bone begins to form. 3 The diaphysis elongates and a medullary cavity forms as ossification continues. Secondary ossification centers appear in the epiphyses in preparation for stage 5. 4 The epiphyses ossify. When completed, hyaline cartilage remains only in the epiphyseal plates and articular cartilages. 5 Figure 6.9

30 Postnatal Bone Growth Interstitial growth: Appositional growth:
 length of long bones Only means by which diaphysis increases in length is epiphyseal (growth) plate Epiphyseal plate closes & is replaced by bone. Once epiphyseal line appears, it indicates interstitial growth has ended. Between ages Appositional growth:  thickness and remodeling of all bones by osteoblasts and osteoclasts on bone surfaces


32 Factors Affecting Bone Growth
Nutrition Adequate minerals & vitamins Calcium and phosphorus Vitamin C Vitamin K and B12 Sufficient levels of specific hormones Insuline Like Growth Factors (IGFs)—needed during childhood. Stimulated by hGH Thyroid hormones & insulin Sex steroids (estrogen & testosterone) at puberty stimulate sudden growth & modifications of skeleton to produce male/female forms.

33 Bone Deposit Occurs where bone is injured or added strength is needed
Requires a diet rich in protein; vitamins C, D, and A; calcium; phosphorus; magnesium; and manganese Sites of new matrix deposit are revealed by the Osteoid seam Unmineralized band of matrix Calcification front The abrupt transition zone between the osteoid seam and the older mineralized bone

34 Bone Resorption Osteoclasts secrete
Lysosomal enzymes (digest organic matrix) Acids (convert calcium salts into soluble forms) Dissolved matrix is transcytosed across osteoclast, enters interstitial fluid and then blood

35 What controls continual remodeling of bone?
Control of Remodeling What controls continual remodeling of bone? Hormonal mechanisms that maintain calcium homeostasis in the blood Mechanical and gravitational forces

36 Classification of Bone Fractures (See Table 6.2)
Bone fractures may be classified by four “either/or” classifications: Position of bone ends after fracture: Nondisplaced—ends retain normal position Displaced—ends out of normal alignment Completeness of the break Complete—broken all the way through Incomplete—not broken all the way through

37 Classification of Bone Fractures
Orientation of the break to the long axis of the bone Whether or not the bone ends penetrate the skin: Compound (open)—bone ends penetrate the skin Simple (closed)—bone ends do not penetrate the skin

38 Table 6.2

39 Table 6.2

40 Table 6.2

41 Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture
Hematoma forms (after 6-8 hours) Torn blood vessels hemorrhage Clot (hematoma) forms Site becomes swollen, painful, and inflamed

42 Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture
Fibrocartilaginous callus forms Phagocytic cells clear debris Osteoblasts begin forming spongy bone within 1 week Fibroblasts secrete collagen fibers to connect bone ends Mass of repair tissue now called fibrocartilaginous callus

43 Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture
Bony callus formation New trabeculae form a bony (hard) callus Bony callus formation continues until firm union is formed in ~2 months

44 Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture
Bone remodeling In response to mechanical stressors over several months Final structure resembles original

45 Homeostatic Imbalances
Osteomalacia and rickets Calcium salts not deposited Rickets (childhood disease) causes bowed legs and other bone deformities Cause: vitamin D deficiency or insufficient dietary calcium

46 Homeostatic Imbalances
Osteoporosis Loss of bone mass—bone resorption outpaces deposit Spongy bone of spine and neck of femur become most susceptible to fracture Risk factors Lack of estrogen, calcium or vitamin D; petite body form; immobility; low levels of TSH; diabetes mellitus

47 Osteoporosis: Treatment and Prevention
Calcium, vitamin D, and fluoride supplements  Weight-bearing exercise throughout life Hormone (estrogen) replacement therapy (HRT) slows bone loss Some drugs (Fosamax, SERMs, statins) increase bone mineral density

48 Developmental Aspects of Bones
Nearly all bones completely ossified by age 25 Bone mass decreases with age beginning in 4th decade Decreased rate of protein synthesis: Decreased collagen Decreased bone growth hormone Becomes brittle/susceptible to fracture

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