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While I take Attendance

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1 While I take Attendance
Go to my classroom website and download your 5.4 Notes. We will fill these in together during class.

2 Progressive Era Unit 5 Lecture

3 Progressivism Progressive Movement: the middle-class workers (writers, scholars, teachers) sought to fix certain problems in America through reform. Four Areas: Social, Moral, Economic, and Government

4 Social Child Labor Improve Life For the Lower Class Woman Suffrage
Creation of the YMCA Woman Suffrage Women worked mostly industrial jobs or agricultural jobs(in the South) Women started attending college Marriage wasn’t the only choice for women anymore Right to Vote Lobbied State Legislatures Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho Supreme Court ruling on the 14th Amendment Constitutional Amendment – 19th Amendment

5 Moral 18th Amendment Prohibition – forbidding the sell or production of alcohol

6 Economic Socialism Labor unions Progressive Reforms to make factories safer Scientific Management – simpler tasks – Assembly Line 16th Amendment – Income tax to generate money for government programs

7 Government Fair Elections Voting Secret Ballot (Australian Ballot)
Initiative – a bill originated by the people instead of legislature Referendum – a vote by the people on an Initiative Recall – a way to remove elected officials from office Direct Primary – the people decide who runs for office based on a primary vote (ex. Presidential Races) Direct Election of Senators – 17th Amendment

8 Political Changes Direct Primary Recall Initiative Referendum

9 amendments 16th Amendment 17th Amendment 18th Amendment 19th Amendment
Income Tax is legal 17th Amendment Direct Election of Senators 18th Amendment Alcohol is Illegal 19th Amendment Women’s Suffrage

10 Federal trade commission (FTC)
Created by Woodrow Wilson Groundwork laid by Theodore Roosevelt Responsible for regulating businesses (corporations) on the stock market. Prevent corporations from engaging in unfair and deceptive tactics (Netflix and Walmart) Keeping legal and accurate business records (Enron)

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