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Comprehensive Program Review September 25, 2015

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1 Comprehensive Program Review September 25, 2015
HORIZON HOUSE Comprehensive Program Review September 25, 2015

2 HIGHLIGHTS Successful PREA audit
Awarded increased bed capacity by City of Albany Facility improvements to both buildings High Utilization Increased Staff awareness about social issues that affect Horizon House residents (racial inequality, gang related issues, etc.)

3 CHALLENGES Accommodating growth and ensuring the delivery of quality programming Incorporating video conferencing in a more meaningful way

4 STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates
Staff Training Hours

5 STAFF TURNOVER RATES Last CPR, Horizon staff turnover was 34.5% compared to SJS at 28.8% Data obtained from HR Turnover and Retention Reports

6 STAFF RETENTION RATES Last CPR, Horizon staff retention was 80% compared to SJS at 70.3% Data obtained from HR Turnover and Retention Reports

7 Staff Training Hours Total of training hours over six months; an average of 16.9 hours per staff/over six months or 2.8 hours per month/per staff. (This is a 36.9% decrease in training hours from previous CPR) Last CPR, a total of 467 training hours over six months; average of 30.1 hours per staff/over six months or 5.2 trainings hours per month. Data obtained from MMRs and HR Training Reports

8 PROGRAMMING Utilization Successful Completions Completion with:
Employment Permanent Housing

9 Utilization (February 2015 – July 2015)
Current utilization rate is % (This is a 3.1% decrease from previous CPR). Last CPR the utilization rate was 108.7%. Horizon House had an average of clients; last CPR, an average of 34.7 clients Data obtained from Monthly Utilization Reports

10 Program Completion Average of 82.3% of clients completed with employment. (This is a 12.8% decrease from previous CPR). Last CPR 95.1% completed with employment. Average of 98.6% of clients completed with housing. Last CPR 98.9% completed with housing. Average of 81.7% of clients successfully completed the program. (This is a 7.3% decrease from previous CPR). Last CPR = 89% Average of 18% of clients were terminated before completing the program. Last CPR = 11% Data obtained from MMRs

11 CLIENT RELATED Clinical Hours Walk-Aways Medication

12 Clinical Hours Total Hours: 2,250; last CPR = 1,790
(This is a 26% increase) Total Life Skills Hours: 930; last CPR = 510 Total Cognitive-Behavioral Hours: 1,320; last CPR = 1,208 Average Total Clinical Hours per client/per month: 10.7; last CPR, the average clinical hours was 8.6 per client/per month Average Life Skills Hours per client/per month: 4.4; last CPR = 2.4 Average Cognitive-Behavioral Hours per client/per month: 6.3; last CPR = 6.1 Data obtained from MMRs

2/15 – 7/15 3/14 – 8/14 Horizon House 4 3 CLIENT WALK-AWAYS 2/15 – 7/15 3/14 - 8/14 Horizon House 4 1 Total of 4 medication incidents (this is a 33% increase from last CPR). Last CPR, a total of 3 Medication Incidents, resulting from miscounts - discovered during internal audits of medication system. Client Walk-Aways = increase of 300% from last CPR. Data obtained from MMRs


15 KEY MMR RESULTS 98.6% of the clients completed the program with permanent housing; last CPR = 98.9% 93% of client discharge plans were developed with family involvement; last CPR = 89.7% 82.3% of the clients completed the program with employment; last CPR = 95.1% A total of 9 incidents involving contraband were reported; last CPR = 7 100% of staff are certified in First Aid/CPR/AED; last CPR = 100% Data obtained from MMRs





20 LAST CPR ACTION PLAN (This is a 13.7% decrease from last CPR.)
ISSUE: Decrease Staff Turnover COMMENTS: Last CPR, staff turnover was 34.5% IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Current CPR, staff turnover is 20.8% (This is a 13.7% decrease from last CPR.) ISSUE: Client satisfaction survey – improvement in the “staff are fair and consistent” under “Program Staff” section of survey -- a higher number of respondents should feel this is “always” COMMENTS: Last CPR, 38% of respondents reported, staff were always fair and consistent IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Currently, 47% of respondents reported, staff were always fair and consistent

21 CPR ACTION PLAN (Next 6 months)
Proposed Objective Proposed Timeline ACA Accreditation November 2015 More Community Engagement December 2015 – December 2016 Collaborate with CRJ to identify plans to get services in emergency situations TBD Proposed Objective Proposed Timeline

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