New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017
As of 5/27/15 Five Practices that Promote Conceptual Understanding and Student Discussion New York City Mathematics Project Tammy La Guarina October 28, 2017 1

2 AGENDA Welcome & Introductions
Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions Harry’s Hike Debrief

3 Getting to Know the Five Practices
1- Anticipating 2- Monitoring 3- Selecting 4- Sequencing 5- Connecting

4 Anticipating Create your mathematical objective Choose rich task
Solve the problem yourself Make a list of possible approaches (including misconceptions) Think of possible questions based on these approaches that will push students’ thinking

5 Monitoring While students are working on the task…
Listen, observe and identify key strategies Keep track of approaches (monitoring chart) Ask probing or clarifying questions

6 Selecting As you are monitoring…
Decide what approaches/which students you want to highlight Purposefully select those students whose work will advance the mathematical ideas in your objective

7 Sequencing Ask yourself…
In what order do you want to present the student work samples? e.g.: Concrete to abstract, Misconceptions first… How will students share their work: document camera, draw on board?...

8 Connecting Craft questions to make the mathematics visible
Compare and contrast 2 or 3 students’ work- what are the relationships? How does these representations impact your objective?

9 Harry’s Hike






15 Tammy La Guarina Bronx Field Support Center Mathematics Instructional Lead

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