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A B C AR-V7/AR-V7 ARv567es/ARv567es * * VC- AR-V7 ARv567es- VC BiFC

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1 A B C AR-V7/AR-V7 ARv567es/ARv567es * * VC- AR-V7 ARv567es- VC BiFC Relative intensity BiFC Relative intensity AR-V7-VN ARv567es-VN Mock Ctrl D-mut D-mut wt AR-V7-VN Hoechst wt ARv567es-VN Hoechst wt wt AR-FL ARv567es AR-V7 merged merged GAPDH wt D-mut wt D-mut VC-AR-V7 ARv567es-VC Figure S5. BiFC detection of AR-V/AR-V dimerization in C4-2 cells. (A & B) Dimerization was detected by the BiFC assay in C4-2 cells under androgen-deprived condition. Right panels, quantitation of BiFC signals by flow cytometry. wt, wild-type; D-mut, D-box mutant. Hoechst, nuclear stain. Scale bars, 10 µm. *, P < (C) Western blotting with a pan-AR antibody showing BiFC-AR-V fusion proteins are expressed at a much lower level than the endogenous AR-FL.

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