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Paying for Elections Chapter 10, Section 3.

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1 Paying for Elections Chapter 10, Section 3

2 Review of Information Why is it so costly to run for office? What limits should there be on giving money to a candidate? Are there people or groups you think SHOULD NOT be able to give money or run propaganda ads? Why or why not?

3 Define & Discuss Each: Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
 McCain-Feingold Act (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act)  Disclosure  Public Financing  Loophole  Soft money  Federal Election Commission  Incumbents  Political Action Committee (PAC)

4 Rules, rules, rules! Page 12 Federal Elections & Campaign Act (1974):
Created Presidential Campaign Fund ($3 to the fund) Strengthened Disclosure laws Limited contribution amounts FEC enforced this law Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold) Closed soft money loophole Upped limits by PACs and individuals SCOTUS challenges: (Buckley, McConnell, Citizens) Both laws challenged based on 1st Amendment’s Free Speech clause Today, both laws above have been weakened-No limits on independent expenditures Watch video and be ready to discuss impacts.

5 Web Study Assignment, p. 13 Complete Open Secrets study for p. 13.
Go to Honors Civics webpage, click on the Symbaloo board, then the tile with the eye to complete assignment. Due by end of class. Take Socrative quiz. Join room Re-examine opening questions.

6 Assignment Read chapter Complete questions for p. 14 of your notebook. Due tomorrow.

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