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Enhanced Publications, Linked Data – Experiences From ECO4R

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Presentation on theme: "Enhanced Publications, Linked Data – Experiences From ECO4R"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhanced Publications, Linked Data – Experiences From ECO4R

2 About „Enhanced Publications“
This talk About „Enhanced Publications“ Links between Publications and underlying data significant for research conduct About „Compound Objects“ Focused, activity for Germany DFG project ECO4R led by the hbz Cologne Using semantic web as pragmatic tool

3 Enhanced Publications

4 links between publications and data exist

5 however, no systematic or machine re-usable links…

6 same article, even more enriched with links

7 Leading to ontology-based data

8 …. with even more data attached

9 another example, linking data to publication

10 but no reference to data in publication

11 and in the repository world? Also supplements.

12 and partly complex structures – not represented appropriately…

13 a repository-based publishing system with supplements…

14 and complex internal structures

15 Enhanced Publications
Precious, existing patterns of scholarly resources to be ‚liberated‘ for re-use Currently no way to systematically represent these patterns for re-use Expressing „expectations“ of humans Concepts!!!

16 Compound Objects

17 Semantic Web / LOD a possible way to represent enhanced publications?
Yes machine readable web-representation of compound objects No data missing not designed for human concepts service providers are missing

18 Eco4R – an exploration activity
How to support existing concepts in human reasoning? How to make opaque or unstructured content in existing repositories (rather than catalogues) visible and re-usable? focus Germany (OpenAIRE and Netherlands not shown here) Which existing vocabularies and ontologies can be re-used? What could be linked to other existing LOD data sources? * See also: „Report on Enhancing Interoperability between existing Open Access Publication Infrastructures“

19 Eco4R Approach Services Machines Enhanced Publications Humans * Data

20 Pragmatic Data Model Approach in describing „Enhanced Publications“
Based on OAI-ORE To semantically describe the aggregative publication entities Finding a compromise “Frbr Aligned Bibliographic Ontology” Extends the FRBR entities (Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item) with more specific classes (e.g. JournalArticle, WebPage, SupplementaryInformationFile) Complement to other ontologies in SPAR (Semantic Publishing and Referencing), which can describe a whole publishing workflow An instance of the “eco4r” data model

21 Data Model Instance Eine Instanz des“eco4r” Datenmodells
“Article” als “Wurzel-Aggegation” “Metadata”, “Fulltext”, “Supplement” als “nested Aggregations” zur strukturellen Unterteilung

22 Implementations done in ECO4R – I
Support of the data model by plugins in two fundamentally different repository platforms: OPUS – most used platform in Germany, simple architecture with numerous limitations in file-handling The 1st ORE support for this platform Fedora – rather complex system, fine granularity in access modes, file management, versioning, audits Refactoring of existing ORE implementations, compliant with the latest specification

23 Implementations done in ECO4R – II
Plugins neither need modifications of the internal repository data model nor the repository user-interface A pragmatic way for making repositories linked data compliant Authors of publications are not bothered Overlay Journal – prototype as a prove of concept Research project: operation not part of the plan

24 Overlay Journal as proof of concept
OAI-PMH Harvesting of ORE ResourceMaps Persisting in a Triple-Store Processing for the Overlay Journal (Broker) Storing results in MySQL Visualization for end-users SPARQL interface for service providers

25 Work in progress

26 Work in progress Re-Use Aspect demonstrated
Placeholder for User-Interface Screenshot für das User-Interface wird Simile Exhibit (noch in der älteren Version 2) verwendet Exhibits Visualisierungskonzepte sind: Lenses – Formatierungsoptionen für einzelne Dateneinträge (z.B. eine selektierte Publikation aus einer Trefferliste) Facets – konfigurierbare Filter- und Suchoperationen auf den Daten (z.B. nach Autoren, DDC, etc.) Views – Darstellungsoptionen für die Datenkollektionen als Datenformat wird JSON verwendet, RDF/XML Repräsentationen müssen zuvor transformiert werden für das Overlay Journal gibt zwei Templates für die Visualisierung der Publikationslisten, gefiltert nach Jahr, Datenquelle (Repository), DDC Work in progress

27 Discussion

28 Benefits for Linked Data compliant Aggregators
Descriptions of (Enhanced) Publications are compliant with web standards Linking and enrichment by using terminology services, for e.g. DDC, PND, Organizations (, Projects (rkb-explorer) Reliable links to e.g. full-text and datasets, when publication entities are semantically described Improved retrieval interfaces by provision of a SPARQL endpoint bezogen auf Aggregatoren wie BASE, google-scholar, DRIVER, OpenAIRE

29 KO criteria for enforcing Linked Data Services
Interoperability: after the experiments and prototypes – which ontologies, vocabularies will survive ? What about the maintenance of all the ontologies, vocabularies ? Availability, Reliability and Quality of terminology services, SPARQL-Endpoints etc. A fundamental requirement regarding the complex linking character of the Semantic Web

30 Enhanced Publications as LOD – a possible way with ‚concepts‘ are starting point
Yes machine readable web-representation of relations No data missing not designed for human concepts service providers are missing << ORE / FABIO << Repository PlugIns << Enhanced pub.s as starting point << Demonstrator

31 Plans Open Source Release of the OAI-ORE repository plugins
Further developments for Dspace, Eprints? Using the CARPET platform & DINI/OA-Netzwerk as hosts to further discuss and circulate the “Enhanced Publication” paradigm in Germany Conceptualization (SKOS?) linking to Enhanced Publication Developments in the NL embedding in in EU (OpenAIREplus, euroCRIS) Building aggregators (BASE?)

32 Thanks For Your Attention
The Project Team Members Anouar Boulal, Jochen Schirrwagen, Martin Iordanidis, Andres Quast, Jan Schnasse, Friedrich Summann Web-site: Wiki:

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