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Part II Theory of Nondeterministic Computation

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1 Part II Theory of Nondeterministic Computation

2 Cook introduced NP class in 1971
Edmonds Conjecture in 1965 Traveling Salesman Problem cannot be solved in polynomial time. Cook introduced NP class in 1971 NP: Nondeterminastic Polynomial-time class.

3 Extended Church-Turing Thesis
A function computable in polynomial time in any reasonable computational model using a reasonable time complexity measure is computable by a DTM in polynomial time. Is Nondeterministic TM a reasonable computational model?

4 Lecture 2-1 Time and Space of NTM

5 Nondeterministic TM (NTM)
There are multiple choices for each transition. For each input x, the NTM may have more than one computation paths. An input x is accepted if at least one computation path leads to the final state. L(M) is the set of all accepted inputs.

6 How many choices? # of states # of tape-symbols

7 A function f(x) is computed by an NTM M if for every x ε L(M), M gives output f(x) whenever it reaches the final state. Theorem. A function can be computed by an NTM iff it is Turing-computable. Proof. Idea: Enumerate all possible computation paths of certain length from small to large. Implement: set a tape to do the following enumeration.

8 Suppose for each transition, there are at most c choices
Suppose for each transition, there are at most c choices. Then on the enumeration tape, the DTM enumerate all strings on alphabet {a1, a2, …, ac}: ε, a1, a2, …, ac, a1a2, a1a3, …. When a string ai1ai2∙∙∙aim is written on the enumeration tape, the DTM simulates the NTM by making the ij –th choice at the j-th move. DTM halts iff it found a computation path of NTM which halts.

9 Question: How many moves does a DMT needs to simulate t moves of a NTM?

10 Time For a NDM M and an input x, TimeM(x) = the minimum # of moves
leading to accepting x if x ε L(M) = infinity if x not in L(M)

11 Time Bound A NTM M is said to have a time bound t(n)
if for sufficiently large n and every x ε L(M) With |x|=n, TimeM(x) < max {n+1, t(n)} .

12 Complexity Classes NTIME(t(n)) = {L(M) | M is a NTM with time
bound t(n)} NP = U c > 0 NTIME(n ) c

13 Relationship P NP NP ≠ EXP NP EXPOLY


15 Theorem Speed Up Theorem still holds. Hierarch Theorem

16 Space For a NTM M and an input x,
SpaceM(x) = the minimum space, over all computation paths, on input x if x ε L(M) = infinity otherwise

17 Space bound A NTM M is said to have a space bound s(n) if sufficiently large n and every input x with |x|=n, SpaceM(x) ≤ max{k, s(n)} k = # of work tapes

18 Complexity Classes NSPACE(s(n)) = {L(M) | M is a NTM with
space bound s(n)} NPSPACE = Uc>0 NSPACE(n ) c

19 Relationship NP NPSPACE PSPACE = NPSPACE (why?)

20 Savich’s Theorem If s(n) ≥ log n, then NSPACE (s(n)) DSPACE(s(n) )
The proof will be given later! 2

21 Theorems Compression Theorem holds. Hierarchy Theorem holds.

22 Translation Lemma Let s1(n), s2(n) and f(n) be fully space-constructible functions with s2(n) > n and f(n) > n. Then NSPACE(s1(n)) NSPACE(s2(n)) implies NSPACE(s1(f(n))) NSPACE(s2(f(n)))

23 Hierarchy NSPACE(n ) DSPACE(n ) DSPACE(n ) NSPACE(n )
For r > 1 and a > 0, NSPACE(n ) ≠ NSPACE (n ) 4 8 9 9 r+a r


25 Proof of Savitch’s Theorem

26 Savich’s Theorem If s(n) ≥ log n, then NSPACE (s(n)) DSPACE(s(n) )
2 Proof.

27 How many configurations of M exist within space s(n)?
Input tape x1 x2 xn Work tape



30 Depth-first Search


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