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Secondary Electron Emission in Photocathode RF Guns

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1 Secondary Electron Emission in Photocathode RF Guns
Jang-Hui Han 4th October 2006 High QE Workshop at LASA

2 Secondary Electron Emission
Contents Introduction Secondary emission model Detection of secondary electrons Emission phase scan for bunch charge Emission phase scan for bunch momentum Multipacting at photocathode Measurement at PITZ Model simulation Summary Secondary Electron Emission

3 SE in photocathode RF guns
SEE during photoemission? Multipacting? Dark current emission? No direct measurement data for Cs2Te  indirect measurement under RF operation Secondary Electron Emission

4 Secondary emission (SE)  process
When a primary electron strikes a solid material, it may penetrate the surface and generate secondary electrons. From J. Cazaux, JAP89, 8265 (2001) Energy (keV) SEY SE process has a great similarity to photoemission process.  Good photo-emitters are good secondary electron emitters. Secondary electron yield, SEY () From N. Hilleret, EPAC2000 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 SEY 500 1000 1500 2000 Energy (eV) Aluminum 99.5% Titanium Copper OFHC Stainless steel TiN Secondary Electron Emission

5 Secondary emission (SE)  modeling
A SE model has been implemented into ASTRA Secondary Electron Emission

6 Measurement setup (PITZ)
With changing the relative phase between the RF and the drive-laser, the emission phase of electron bunch is determined. Secondary Electron Emission

7 Secondary Electron Emission
Qbunch & pmean vs. emit Max. Qbunch ~ 5 pC Max. RF field: ~22 MV/m (negligible dark current) Laser profile: [temporal] ~2.3 ps rms Gaussian [transverse] ~0.5 mm rms (b) (a) (e) (c) (d) Secondary Electron Emission

8 SE dependence on emission phase
 measurement points  photoelectrons (simul.)  secondary electrons (simul.) Secondary Electron Emission

9 SE dependence on emission phase
measurement ASTRA simulation  photoelectrons  secondary electrons Secondary Electron Emission

10 Secondary Electron Emission
Multipacting: electron multiple impacting Explosive increase of the number of electrons Multipacting may cause RF power loss, lead to vacuum breakdown, and even damage the surface inside the cavity. secondary electrons Secondary Electron Emission

11 Observation at PITZ and TTF phase 1
This multipacting has not been observed with Mo cathodes except for the case of very bad vacuum in the gun cavity.  Multipacting at the Cs2Te photocathode From D. Setore, FEL2000 RF forward power to the gun signal from the Faraday cup multipacting peaks multipacting peaks PITZ TTF phase1 Secondary Electron Emission

12 Secondary Electron Emission
DC and multipacting vs. max RF gradient 40 MV/m 33 MV/m Dark current following the Fowler-Nordeim relation Multipacting peak Independent of the gradient Secondary Electron Emission

13 Secondary Electron Emission
Description of multipacting peak RF forward RF stored dark current multipacting peak starting of the multipacting peak tdelay RF stored Emax EMP EMP: RF field when the multipacting starts Emax: maximum field of the RF pulse tdelay : the delay between the RF pulse and the multipacting peak  : fill/decay time of the RF field in the cavity Secondary Electron Emission

14 Secondary Electron Emission
Delay time vs. max RF gradient max RF gradient The shape and height do not depend on the max RF gradeint cathode #60.1 #43.2 Meas. time Mar.04 Sep.04 Apr.05 EMP (MV/m) 2.70 1.04 1.07  (s) 2.80 2.83 RF measurement in the cavity: 2.78 (s) Secondary Electron Emission

15 Dependence on solenoid field profile
main solenoid current Strong dependence on the solenoid field profile  Magnetic mirror configured by the solenoid field plays a crucial role in generation of the multipacting. No multipacting region Multipacting sometimes takes place in the region according to the cathode parameter and vacuum condition Secondary Electron Emission

16 Secondary Electron Emission
ASTRA simulation of multiplication process Number of secondary electrons per one seed electron simulation conditions: max = 20, Emax = 1 keV, s = 2.2 Imain = 400 A & Ibucking = 30.5 A Estarting = 0.6 MV/m,  = 2.78 s (1 RF cycle ~ 0.77 ns) Secondary Electron Emission

17 Secondary Electron Emission
Summary Secondary electron detected in photocathode RF guns at selected machine conditions Multipacting explained by high SEY of the Cs2Te cathode At the nominal operation condition of FLASH (1 nC, ~45 MV/m, ~ 38), no secondary electron generated during photoemission No clear evidence of SE in dark current Secondary Electron Emission

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