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Water and the Fitness of the Environment

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1 Water and the Fitness of the Environment
Chapter 3

2 I. Water Molecule What is a polar molecule?
How does the polarity of water effect this molecule?

3 II. Properties of Water What are the four characteristics of water that emerge due to this hydrogen bonding? Water is cohesive Moderation of temperature Water expands when it freezes Water is a versatile solvent

4 A. Water is Cohesive Cohesion Adhesion due to hydrogen bonding
water molecules are attracted to other water molecules Surface tension Adhesion Attraction of water molecules to a surface

5 B. Moderation of Temperature
Water has a high specific heat. What is specific heat? Why is it high for water? Where do we see this characteristic in our lives? Lake Michigan Boiling water

6 B. Moderation of Temperature
Evaporative Cooling - molecules with the greatest kinetic energy are the most likely to leave as a gas Ex: evaporation of sweat from human skin Heat of vaporization - quantity of heat a liquid must absorb to be converted to a gas Helps to moderate Earth’s climate Accounts for the severity of steam burns of the skin

7 C. Water Expands When It Freezes
Why is water less dense as a solid than as a liquid?

8 Important factors that result from water’s expansion as it freezes:
Prevents deep bodies of water from freezing from the bottom up As water freezes it releases heat to water below and insulates it As water freezes H bonds form releasing heat. As ice melts H bonds break absorbing heat. Both of these factors make seasonal transitions less abrupt

9 D. Water is a Versatile Solvent
Polar compounds dissolve in water. Nonpolar compounds do not dissolve in water.

10 III. Acids Bases and pH Water molecules dissociate into H+ and OH-
At equilibrium the [H+ ] = [OH-] The molar concentrations of these ions = 10-7, which represents a neutral solution pH of a solution = -log [H+ ] Therefore what is the pH of a neutral solution? 7

11 Acids Bases Increase the relative [H+ ] of a solution
[H+ ] > [OH-] in an acidic solution Remove [OH-] from a solution which increases the relative [H+ ] For example the acid HCl in a solution converts to [H+ ] + Cl- pH of acidic solution<7 Bases Reduce the relative [H+ ] of a solution [H+ ] < [OH-] in a basic solution Bases either reduce [H+ ] directly…….. NH3 + H+ --> NH or indirectly ……... NaOH --> Na+ + OH- pH of basic solution > 7

12 How much greater is the [H+ ] in a solution with a pH of 2 than a solution with a pH of 6?


14 Water Transport in Plants

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