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Licensing information

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1 Licensing information
Users should treat this material as a working draft. This material can be used in its current form, customized, and/or printed or displayed by the user. The author(s) request feedback on all materials so that they can be continually improved and updated. This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license: ( Author: Kevin Hall Wording for the legal statement above is adapted from the legal statement for Trigonometry, published in 2009 by The cK-12 Foundation:

2 2.1 Packet--PowerPoint These practice problems go with #5-9 in the “2.1 Packet” of this unit. You need to view the slides in “Presentation mode” on your computer. It won’t look garbled when you do that. On a PC, just hit F5.

3 How to use these slides Display a slide, then walk around the room encouraging students as they work. Praise as many students as you can. This part of the lesson is specifically designed to allow you to: See whether students understand the lesson so far. Praise whatever they do correctly. Some students will finish both questions on a slide, some will finish only 1. That’s ok. Be mobile. A remote mouse clicker will mean you can gradually display the whole slide while walking around the room praising and coaching.

4 Reminder Parts like this (below) look garbled, but when you view the slide show, the different pieces appear at different times, so it’s not a problem. Out of 5 Out of 10 Out of 15 Out of 20 Out of 25 Out of 30 Out of 35 Out of 40 Out of 45

5 5). Out of 5 Out of 5 Out of 10 Out of 15 Out of 20 Out of 25 Out of 30 Out of 35 Out of 40 Out of 45 5 Adds up to 27 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Answer: x = 27 Out of 20 Out of 20 Out of 40 Out of 60 Out of 80 Out of 100 20 6). What percent is 11 out of 20? 15 11 20 x 100 = 11 10 11 11 Adds up to 55 11 11 20 55 100 = 11 5 11 11 20 55 % =

6 Please fill in these numbers in the blanks for #8-9:
8). About of the calories in peanut butter come from fat (that’s true). If you eat 48 calories’ worth of peanut butter, how many calories come from fat? 9). You and some friends buy 11 raffle tickets together and agree to split the money if one of the tickets wins. The prize is $99. You bought 7 of the tickets for your group. 3 4

7 5 10 5 ?? cal. fat 3 cal. fat x = 4 cal. total 48 cal. total
8). ?? cal. fat Out of 4 3 cal. fat x Out of 4 Out of 8 Out of 12 Out of 16 Out of 20 Out of 24 Out of 28 Out of 32 Out of 36 Out of 40 Out of 44 Out of 48 = 5 4 cal. total 48 cal. total Adds up to Answer: x = 36 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 36 9). ?? your dollars 7 your share x = 11 total shares 99 total dollars Out of 11 Out of 11 Out of 22 Out of 33 Out of 44 Out of 55 Out of 66 Out of 77 Out of 88 Out of 99 7 yours 63 yours 10 = 11 total 99 total 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 Answer: x = 63 Adds up to 63

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