U.S. Department of Education Federal Aid Programs & Federal, State, Local Education/Training Programs & Options Element # 37-U.S. Department of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Education Federal Aid Programs & Federal, State, Local Education/Training Programs & Options Element # 37-U.S. Department of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Education Federal Aid Programs & Federal, State, Local Education/Training Programs & Options Element # 37-U.S. Department of Education Federal Aid Programs​ Element #38- Federal, State, or Local Education/Training Programs & Options

2 What are some ways an individual can pay for higher education?

3 $

4 TODAY'S TOPICS Section 1: GI Bill Section 2: Grants Section 3: Loans
Section 4: Training Programs & Options

5 Useful Tool When Comparing Schools​:
SECTION 1: THE GI BILL Post 9/11 (Ch 33) MGIB (Ch 30) Served on active duty after September 10, 2001 for at least 90 days ALL Tuition and Fee Payments for an in-State Student Forever GI Bill-Harry W. Colmery 36 Months Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) based on the cost of living where your school is located Private Institutions are $23,671.94  Post 9/11 Served on active duty at least 2 years on active duty 10 years from discharge or separation Flat Rate $1928 No BAH Useful Tool When Comparing Schools​:

6 YELLOW RIBBON PROGRAM You must be eligible for the maximum benefit rate under the Post-9/11 GI Bill You must not be on active duty or a spouse transferee of an active duty Your school must agree to participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program Your school must not offer the Yellow Ribbon Program to  more than the maximum # in the participation agreement

7 VA WORK STUDY You’re enrolled at least three-quarter time at an institution of higher learning, and You’ve found an open job either at a nearby VA facility or in a VA-related role at your school, and You can finish the work-study contract while you still qualify for education benefits, and You’re using one of these VA education benefits: Post-9/11 GI Bill  or Montgomery GI Bill 


9 SECTION 2: GRANTS Pell Grant
Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Teacher Education Assistance for College & Higher Education (TEACH) Troops to Teachers (TTT)

10 SECTION 3: LOANS Direct Subsidized Loans Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Direct Plus Loans  Direct Consolidation Loan

11 Work Study Full-time & Part-time Students
Undergrad/Graduate/ Professional Hourly Wage for undergrad/salary for graduate (contingent) Part-time Related to recipients' course of study Base off financial need

12 Free Application for Federal Student Aid FASFA Website

13 State Aid Check your state for: Loans Grants Scholarships

14 SECTION 4: Training Programs & Options


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