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Talking About Writing Need-to-Know Terms

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1 Talking About Writing Need-to-Know Terms
Rationale: Welcome to “How to Talk About Writing.” This presentation is designed to introduce the basic terminology that writing instructors use when talking about writing. The nine slides presented here are designed to aid the facilitator in an interactive presentation of the elements of talking about writing. This presentation is ideal for high school students or first-year college students who may not be familiar with the basic jargon associated with writing composition. This presentation may be supplemented with the following OWL resources: - “Creating a Thesis Statement” at - “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers” at - “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers” at - “Prewriting (Invention)” at - “Proofreading Your Writing” at - “Starting the Writing Process” at Directions: Each slide is activated by a single mouse click, unless otherwise noted in bold at the bottom of each notes page Writer and Designer: Ethan Sproat Contributors: Allen Brizee, Erin Karper, Elyssa Tardiff, Jack Raymond Baker, Ryan Weber Revising Author: Name, date Developed with resources courtesy of the Purdue University Writing Lab © Copyright Purdue University, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2009

2 Talking About Writing Writing, as a discipline, has its own terminology and jargon which includes the following: Writing Process Draft Prewriting Invention Thesis Statement Introduction Body Paragraph Transitions Conclusion Revision Proofreading Citation Primary Sources Secondary Sources Rationale: Like any other coordinated human activity, the discipline of writing has its own terminology and jargon. Jargon is any set of words or phrases that a certain community uses among itself. Think of any time you’ve been in a hospital and have heard doctors and nurses use words and phrases to talk about medicines and medical instruments that seemed incomprehensible even though they were speaking your same language. They were using phrases and words that have specific meaning to them as medical professionals. People who are not medical professionals sometimes have difficulty understanding the jargon of medical professionals. Similarly, instructors of writing sometimes use jargon that may be difficult to understand for people who are just learning the rules and expectations of writing taught in an academic setting. This presentation will cover some of the basic jargon that writing instructors use in their writing classrooms. These will include the following: - Writing Process - Draft - Prewriting - Invention - Thesis Statement - Introduction - Body Paragraph - Transitions - Conclusion - Revision - Proofreading - Citation - Research Click mouse to advance slide. Allen: Adding something on transitions/signposts would be good. Also, what do teachers mean when they say “citation”? would be a good addition. Research (overview of primary vs. secondary sources).

3 Writing Process Writing as Process vs. Writing as Product
Processes = the ways we write Products = the things we write Processes lead to Products Rationale: Many writing instructors make a sharp distinction between thinking about writing as a process versus thinking about writing as a product. Such instructors use “writing as a process” to describe a perspective about writing in which writing is seen as a complex process of decisions and activities. Conversely, “writing as a product” is used to describe a perspective about writing in which writing is seen in terms of the final finished product. In the first view, improving writing means improving the quality of the ways we write. In the second view, improving writing means improving the quality of the things we write. In general, writing instructors tend to believe that viewing writing as a process is more valuable than viewing writing as a product. The basic rationale behind this is that writers who merely improve the final products of their writing assignments may not understand all the principles which contributed to the betterment of their writing. This could be due to just implementing an instructor’s feedback without understanding why the changes need to happen, or it could be due to some writers learning “tricks” or “shortcuts” in writing that work well even though they don’t understand why they work well. Conversely, writers who DO understand the principles of how writing can be made better typically end up with better final products. For more on the Writing Process, see the OWL’s resource “Starting the Writing Process” at Click mouse to advance slide.

4 Drafts “Draft” = a completed version of a project
Typically, subsequent “drafts” of written assignments do not add anything major to each new version Each draft represents efforts at refining an already completed project, NOT adding new sections of material Rationale: Many writing instructors use the word “Draft” to describe a completed version of a written assignment. In general, the “first draft” of an assignment is still a completed version of the assignment. Many writing instructors expect that a first draft represents each student’s best efforts to complete all the requirements of an assignment. This means that many writing instructors do not consider an incomplete assignment as a “first draft.” Click mouse to advance slide.

5 Prewriting / Invention
Prewriting / Invention = all the activities a writer does before writing any draft of a written assignment These activities could include: Brainstorming Research Outlining Summarizing main ideas Making a diagram or other schematic. Rationale: Many writing instructors use the word “prewriting” to describe the activities that writers engage in prior to actually writing any drafts. These activities could include brainstorming, research, outlining, summarizing main ideas, or making a diagram or other schematic. For more information on Prewriting and Invention, see the OWL’s resource “Prewriting (Invention)” at Click mouse to advance slide.

6 Thesis Statement Thesis Statement = The main idea or main point of a written assignment. It is specific It often appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper It can be modified to reflect what actually ended up being discussed in the paper Rationale: Many writing instructors use the term “Thesis Statement” to refer to the main idea or point of a written assignment. Thesis statements vary in structure somewhat depending on the kind of assignment you are writing. A thesis for an analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. A thesis for an expository (explanatory) paper explains something to the audience. And an argumentative paper makes a claim about a topic and justifies this claim with specific evidence. The claim could be an opinion, a policy proposal, an evaluation, a cause-and-effect statement, or an interpretation. The goal of the argumentative paper is to convince the audience that the claim is true based on the evidence provided. (If you are writing a text which does not fall under these three categories (ex. a narrative), a thesis statement somewhere in the first paragraph could still be helpful to your reader.) Tips for Writing Your Thesis Statement 1. Your thesis statement should be specific. it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence. 2. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper. 3. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper. For more information about and examples of thesis statements, see the OWL resource “Creating a Thesis Statement” at Also, see the OWL source “Essay Writing” at Click mouse to advance slide.

7 Introductions “Introduction” = the broad beginning of a written assignment It should answer these questions: What is this paper about? Why am I reading it? What do you want me to do? It should set the context for the paper It should state why the main idea is important A thesis statement is typically placed at the end of an introduction Rationale: Writing instructors often the word “Introduction” to refer to the broad beginning of a written assignment. This broad beginning typically answers three important questions for the reader: 1.What is this paper about? 2.Why am I reading it? 3.What do you want me to do? Writers can answer these questions by doing the following: 1.Set the context - provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make and support 2.State why the main idea is important - tell the reader why s/he should care and keep reading. Your goal is to create a compelling, clear, and convincing essay people will want to read and act upon 3.State your thesis/claim - compose a sentence or two stating the position you will support with logos (sound reasoning: induction, deduction), pathos (balanced emotional appeal), and ethos (author credibility). For more information about Introductions, Conclusions, and Body Paragraphs, see the following OWL resources: “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers” at “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers” at Click mouse to advance slide.

8 Body Paragraphs “Body Paragraph” = paragraph between the Introduction and the Conclusion Each Body Paragraph typically follows the pattern here Rationale: Writing Instructors oftern use the term “Body Paragraph” to refer to each paragraph between an Introduction and a Conclusion. In general, body paragraphs accord to the following criteria: Body Paragraphs: Moving from General to Specific Information Your paper should be organized in a manner that moves from general to specific information. Every time you begin a new subject, think of an inverted pyramid - the broadest range of information sits at the top, and as the paragraph or paper progresses, the author becomes more and more focused on the argument ending with specific, detailed evidence supporting a claim. Lastly, the author explains how and why the information she has just provided connects to and supports her thesis (a brief wrap up or warrant). The brief wrap up (warrant) should explain how and why the information presented in the paragraph connects with and supports the thesis. For more information about Introductions, Conclusions, and Body Paragraphs, see the following OWL resources: “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers” at “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers” at Click mouse to advance slide.

9 Transitions “Transition” = words or phrases that connect ideas in one paragraph with ideas in the next Effective transitions use key phrases from a previous paragraph in the next paragraph Some common transitional devices: furthermore, in addition, moreover on the contrary, in contrast, meanwhile however, nevertheless Rationale: Writing instructors usually use the word “transition” to refer to the Good transitions can connect paragraphs and turn disconnected writing into a unified whole. Instead of treating paragraphs as separate ideas, transitions can help readers understand how paragraphs work together, reference one another, and build to a larger point. The key to producing good transitions is highlighting connections between corresponding paragraphs. By referencing in one paragraph the relevant material from previous ones, writers can develop important points for their readers. It is a good idea to continue one paragraph where another leaves off (instances where this is especially challenging may suggest that the paragraphs don't belong together at all.) Picking up key phrases from the previous paragraph and highlighting them in the next can create an obvious progression for readers. Many times, it only takes a few words to draw these connections. Instead of writing transitions that could connect any paragraph to any other paragraph, write a transition that could only connect one specific paragraph to another specific paragraph. Also, Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your paper. They are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. This slide shows only a very few examples of transitional devices. For a more complete list, see the OWL resource “Transitions and Transitional Devices” at Click mouse to advance slide.

10 Conclusions “Conclusion” = the end parts written assignments that wrap up what authors have been discussing in their papers Conclusions could Restate the topic and its importance Restate the thesis statement Resolve opposing viewpoints Include a call for action Overview future research possibilities Rationale: Writing instructors often use the word “conclusions” to refer to the end parts written assignments that wrap up what authors have been discussing in their papers. After moving from general to specific information in the introduction and body paragraphs, the conclusion should begin pulling back into more general information that restates the main points of the paper. Conclusions may also call for action or overview future possible research. The following outline may help authors conclude their papers: ・In a general way, restate the topic and why it is important ・restate the thesis statement ・address opposing viewpoints and explain why readers should align with the position in the paper ・include call for action ・overview future research possibilities. Remember that once authors have accomplished these tasks, unless otherwise directed by their instructor, they are finished. Done. Complete. Authors should not try to bring in new points or end with a whiz bang(!) conclusion or try to solve world hunger in the final sentence of the conclusion. Simplicity is best for a clear, convincing message. For more information about Introductions, Conclusions, and Body Paragraphs, see the following OWL resources: “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers” at “Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers” at Click mouse to advance slide. 10

11 Revision and Proofreading
“Revision” = any beneficial change to a paper from one draft to another Generally, “revision” means larger changes with structure or content “Proofreading” = means only revising to correct spelling or grammatical errors Rationale: In general, writing instructors use the term “Revision” to refer to the process of changing a draft into a better version. “Revision” is a word with broad possible meanings. However, the term “Proofreading” usually has a specific meaning that connotes correcting grammatical or spelling errors. Many writing instructors use “Proofreading” as a kind of “Revision,” but most of the time when instructors use the word “Revision,” they mean more than just “Proofreading.” For more information about and strategies for Revision and Proofreading, see the following OWL resources: “Proofreading” at “Paramedic Method” at “Reverse Paramedic Method” at Click mouse to advance slide.

12 Citations “Citations” = the methods writers use to reference the sources they quote Modern Language Association (MLA): Purdue OWL: American Psychological Association (APA): Purdue OWL: Chicago Manual of Style (CMS): Purdue OWL: Rationale: Writing instructors usually use the word “citations” to refer to the methods that writers use to reference the sources they quote in their papers. Citations usually come in two varieties: the citations used in the text of a paper and the citations used at the end in a “works cited” or “references” list. The citations in the text of the paper are typically brief (usually the name of an author and page number of the quote) and are setoff from the rest of the text with parentheses or something similar. Citations at the end of the paper consist of a list of all the sources that are quoted or referenced in a paper. This list includes all the information that anyone would need to find a copy of the quoted or referenced source (usually this means author’s name, title of the sources, publication information, and pages). There are three main citation styles. These include Modern Language Association (or MLA), American Psychological Association (or APA), and the Chicago Manual of Style. Each style is used in a number of different disciplines. To learn more about each of these citation styles and which disciplines they are used in, please the the following OWL sources: “MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide” at “APA Formatting and Style Guide” at “Chicago Manual of Style” at Click mouse to advance slide. 12

13 Primary vs. Secondary Research
“Primary Research” = any type of research you go out and collect yourself “Secondary Research” = every other kind of research Rationale: Writing instructors usually differentiate between two basic kinds of research: Primary Research and Secondary Research. Primary research is any type of research that you go out and collect yourself. Examples include surveys, interviews, observations, and ethnographic research. Secondary research is any type of research that you do not collect yourself. Examples include anything in print (books, journal articles, etc.), anything on the World Wide Web (academic and government websites, etc.), anything on film or video (movies, documentaries, news broadcasts, etc.), and much more. Most research done for high school and undergraduate papers are done with secondary research. For a more in-depth discussion of primary research and how it can be used with secondary research, see the OWL resource “Conducting Primary Research” at Click mouse to advance to next slide. 13

14 For More Information For more OWL resources, see the following:
Essay Writing Prewriting (Invention) Creating a Thesis Statement Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Argument Papers Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions for Exploratory Papers Transitions and Transitional Devices Proofreading Paramedic Method Reverse Paramedic Method MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide APA Formatting and Style Guide Chicago Manual of Style Conducting Primary Research Rationale: For more information on the material covered in this presentation, please visit the OWL resources hyperlinked on this slide. Click mouse to advance to next slide. 14

15 For More Information Purdue Writing Lab Phone Number: 765-494-3723
Purdue OWL:

16 The End

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