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Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

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Presentation on theme: "Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event"— Presentation transcript:

1 Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event
December 2018

2 Importing and exporting animals and products of animal origin

3 Imports project update

4 Our mission We will build an effective import control system to maintain the flow of live animals, products of animal origin and high risk food and feed into the UK, while protecting UK’s biosecurity and food safety OFFICIAL

5 Day one issue 30% UK food trade imported from EU
day 1 products will continue to flow freely risk-based controls pre-notifications to be implemented after day 1 Transit goods Live animals and animal products from third countries travelling through EU before entering UK 20% UK food trade from third countries trade stays as is it is today small amount of business change importers and import agents will be trained on the new system 50% UK food trade produced in UK

6 NON-EU COUNTRIES IMPORTS 2013-17 average
Key facts 64,000 animal products NON-EU COUNTRIES IMPORTS average Forecasted day 1 imports 4,000  animal and animal product transit goods 240,000 – 640,000 prenotifications 17,000 high risk food not of animal origin 10,000 live animal consignments APRIL 2019 EU IMPORTS average 36,000 live animal consignments 39,000 horse movements

7 What are our plans for a Day 1 No Deal?
After leaving the EU, the UK will no longer have access to the EU import notification system, TRACES. This system facilitates pre-notification of consignments destined for a UK border inspection post, records the outcome of checks and communicates the outcomes to HMRC for customs clearance. A UK import notification system (INS) will be introduced to maintain our levels of biosecurity and food safety , minimise delays at borders and allow developments to support the UK’s future import controls. A new UK import notification system OFFICIAL

8 Key project progress Substantial work has been completed on building a replacement IT system for TRACES (The UK Import Notification System) The system mirrors the functionality of TRACES and designers have conducted significant business process mapping The team have conducted user research with many import agents and will begin User Testing this week Substantial business change activities are underway with Importers, Import Agents and Port Health Authorities to look at capacity within BIPs and recruitment and training needs Training and guidance will be provided to all current users of TRACES from January 2019 to ensure that users are equipped to use the system We will be communicating with you via gov uk, dedicated stakeholder bulletin and face to face briefings Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

9 Import notification system
Part 1: importer raises a notification The importer raises a notification in the new Imports Notification System. The system captures the required information for each commodity type based on the existing certificate types. Part 1 – EU Member State Importers Live Animals – (ITAHCs and DOCOMs) POAO (Pre-notification) High Risk Feed/Food (Pre-notification) Release 4 Post Day 1 Post Day 1 Part 1 – 3rd Countries Importers Live Animals – (CVED-A) POAO (CVED-P) High Risk Feed/Food (CED) Release 1 Release 1 Release 2 Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

10 Import notification system
Part 2: conduct checks at the border Checks are conducted at Border Inspection Posts and the outcomes of these checks are recorded in the system HMRC Interface Part 2 – 3rd Countries and EU Checks conducted at the BIPs Record lab test results Multiple Commodities Imposed Physical Check Calculations Release 2 Once Part 2 is completed, information is passed on to HMRC system CHIEF via an interface with ALVS. Release 2 Release 2 Release 2 HMRC Link – 3rd Countries and EU Integration to ALVS – Testing Part 1 Integration to ALVS – Testing Part 2 Release 1 Release 3 Part 3 – 3rd Countries and EU Controlled Destinations (CPH) (This is usually live animals to a farm of products to a processing plant) Release 2 Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

11 Business readiness will be delivered through nine capabilities
Business capabilities Business readiness will be delivered through nine capabilities Training Financial considerations Location and physical assets Organisation and structure Suppliers and partners Digital systems and technology Management and governance Policies and legal Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

12 Model office To-be processes Training materials Application testing Stakeholder engagement User acceptance testing iterate to-be processes iterate roles and organisation structure test the to-be processes and required outcomes against the delivered code utilise early code drops to develop an understanding of solution maturity feedback bugs/defects into the INS development team provide a mobile UAT test environment engagement with key stakeholders, supported by APHA The Model Office provides an environment to bring together solution components Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

13 Exports project update

14 We will deliver An effective export system to maintain the flow of animals and animal products out of the UK following the UK’s exit from the EU with the capability to adapt to changes in demand for export health certificates

15 What are our plans for a Day 1 No Deal?
After leaving the EU, the UK will be required to produce Export Health Certificates for Live animals and Animal products to the EU. This will result in a % Increase in the amount of Export Health Certificates we have to produce. A new UK export notification system OFFICIAL

16 Key Project Progress System Upgrade: We are upgrading of the current basic system used by the Centre for International Trade in Carlisle for processing EHCs. This upgrade will assist in streamlining the EHC process to cope with the anticipated increase in the volume of EHCs. Digital Solution: The aspiration is to move to a full e-certification system in time. Operational EHC Team: Recruitment is underway to increase the operational staff needed for March 2019 to cope with the increased volumes. Approximately 40 additional staff have been recruited to-date. Official Vets: The RCVS has agreed to approve plans for non-vets to support official veterinary surgeons (OVs) in the certification of products of animal origin for export to cope with the increased EHC volumes. Certified Support Officers (CSOs) will work under the direction of OVs and support certification work (e.g. verifying temperature checks) although final certification will always need to be signed by OVs. EHCs: There are currently 1600 EHCs. Progress is being made in agreeing the use of existing Export Health Certificates by the EU and 3rd Countries in a ‘no deal’ scenario. We have engaged 15 countries that use two-thirds of EHCs and they prefer to keep our existing EHCs. 3rd Country Listing - We are applying to the EU Commission to be a listed third country in the event of a No Deal scenario. We are confident that the UK meets the animal health requirements to secure this status. Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

17 As-is user journey for Exporters, showing stress points
% increase in demand for certificates Existing Exporter knows to call or APHA Carlisle APHA s the exporter the application pack BAU process followed from this point Exporter completes Application Pack and s it back to APHA Application Pack received, saved on network drive, case created in Excel and EHC number generated Exporter searches information on exporting Animals or Product of Animal origin and is directed to call APHA Carlisle Between extra FTE needed by APHA More applications will be sent Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

18 To-be user journey for Exporters – Day 1 solution (in use from January 2019)
BAU process followed from this point Exporter searches information on exporting Animals or Product of Animal Origin and is directed to Online Form Finder Exporter downloads online application pack Exporter completes and s it back to APHA Application Pack received, saved on network drive, case manually created in SharePoint and EHC number generated Between extra FTE needed by APHA Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

19 On 27th July 2018 Defra invoked contingency arrangements for Exports.
On 18th October Defra requested that contingency arrangements were the preferred solution for Day 1. In response to the key risks identified by APHA, we are making 4 improvements for Day 1: What are we doing? When is it ready? We have increased the mailbox capacity at Carlisle Centre for International Trade to cope with increased demand Complete for Day 1, further improved by Outlook 365 rollout in December/January. We are increasing the network storage at Carlisle CITC Complete 7th December We have made pdf application forms and guidance available on GOV.UK for Exporters to complete and submit via Launched We are also building a case management system for APHA on SharePoint to replace the existing creaking spreadsheets Due into live service 17th December, for use starting 2nd January 2019.    Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

20 Beyond day 1 – improve the service
Whilst we work on the Day 1 solution, we are also continuing the a parallel development of the IOC solution As part of our continued improvement of the EHC service, we will transition the most used EHCs to online forms for the Exporters to complete and submit online. APHA will be able to create these forms and add/remove questions as necessary. The online forms will flow into an automated case management system (MS Dynamics) for APHA to manage the Exporter’s application. Official Veterinarians will have access to approve the certificate, initially for China. Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

21 To-be user journey for Exporters – Beyond day 1
BAU process followed from this point + with OV access for certificates to China + integration with TRACES Exporter searches information on exporting Animals or Product of Animal Origin and is directed to Online Form Finder Exporter completes and submits online EHC application Application automatically received, saved, case created in MS Dynamics and EHC number generated Top 100 Exporter downloads online application pack Exporter completes and s it back to APHA Others Between extra FTE needed by APHA Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

22 What would happen on a Day 1 No Deal?
The EU would no longer recognise transport authorisations, certificates of competence, or vehicle approval certificates issued by the UK. UK transporters wishing to transport live animals in the EU would need to: appoint a representative within an EU country and apply to their relevant government department to obtain a valid Transporter Authorisation, Certificate of Competence, Vehicle Approval Certificate and, where necessary, a Journey Log. Journey logs would need to be obtained from the EU country that is the initial point of entry into the EU for export Exporters would need to present their transport documentation at a Border Inspection Post in the EU. Defra’s Animal and Plant Health Stakeholder Update Event

23 Thank you

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