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America Becomes a Colonial Power.

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Presentation on theme: "America Becomes a Colonial Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 America Becomes a Colonial Power

2 Section 3: Acquiring New Lands


4 Ruling Puerto Rico What would we do with land after war?
Should PR become a state? Why? We needed PR for defense



7 1917 Puerto Ricans given Citizenship
1900 Pass Foraker Act: Set up a civilian government Becomes a territory 1917 Puerto Ricans given Citizenship

8 Cuba Passed Teller Amendment: Said US would not take over Cuba
Treaty of Paris 1898 said Cuba would be free



11 Post war: US troops stayed
US did stay, but helped out with new schools, hospitals, meds, ended yellow fever

12 Platt Amendment US added the to the Cuban Constitution in1901
Cuba could not make treaties US could get involved in Cuban affairs Cuba could not have debt US could use some of Cuba for Naval bases

13 Accd. To Treaty of Paris, Philippines comes under control of US
Emilio Aguinaldo and others mad. What happened to freedom? 1899 Filipinos rose up under Aguinaldo Philippines




17 3 years of fighting 20,000 Filipinos, 4,000 US died 400 million dollars US helped create a government

18 US and China The reason we wanted Philippines was to get to China
1899 Sec. of State John Hays issued Open Door Notes Sent to other countries to say “Lets Share China.”

19 Some Europeans and US not very nice to Chinese and some Chinese rose up in Boxer Rebellion
US and Europeans send troops 1000s of Chinese died, rebellion put down Hays issued 2nd Open Door: Don’t punish Chinese -US would enforce if needed

20 Impact of gains 1900 Imperialist McKinley ran vs anti-Imperialist Bryan. McKinley wins which shows many in US OK with Imperialism Was a small group called the “Anti Imperialists” As we entered the new century we continued to be Imperialist and will pay a price for it in WWI

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