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Session 3: Setting Up and Managing a Course - Supports for staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3: Setting Up and Managing a Course - Supports for staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3: Setting Up and Managing a Course - Supports for staff

2 Session 3: Setting Up and Managing a Course Objectives 1. Understanding – course design, organisation & management. Copyright implications 2. a) Using the setting block to set up and manage a course b) Add a variety of resources, manage private files, develop links, use the book resource 3.Design a course that is structured and clearly laid out

3 1. Design Essentials for your Course Treat the Subject page as expensive real estate as if it were an expensive piece of land. Use folders and web pages wherever possible Use subject Title and topic Headings to guide students Use Activities rather than static content where appropriate Take care with wide images on the subject page

4 Design Essentials for your Course Avoid long resource / activity titles as it takes up valuable space Use Labels to guide students and manage expectations Avoid large chunks of text – this is a general web design guideline. People scan web pages and tend not to read more than two paragraphs Avoid overuse of Blocks, less can be more Keep the Subject page consistent.

5 Course Design to get you started - Use title and topic headings - Key Features - Simple design -- Clear Title -- Topic Headings -- Easy to follow for students - Course based on web links -- Fast to set up -- Using quizzes

6 Example of Course Design for FE Key Feature Clear Title Topic Headings Short Introduction Outcomes stated Course outline Assessment requirements Assignment dates Assignment briefs Good use of folders


8 File Management

9 Managing My Private Files

10 Copyright Licences The following is a quick guide to copy licences All rights reserved – normal copyright laws applies Public Domain – out of copyright, copyright has expired Creative Commons – licensing that you can attach to work that is attributed to you. For further information refer to No Derivs – cannot be used to create a derivative work No Commercial Derivs – cannot be used for commercial purposes and no derivative works No Commercial – cannot be used for commercial work No Commercial Sharealike – no commercial use but to share work as is Sharealike – share work as is

11 Copyright Licence

12 2a. Using the Setting Block to set up and manage a course This block allows you to; -Turn editing on - Edit settings, you can choose course format (topics, weekly, social), number of topics / weeks, hide sections, create groups - Users, add users and set permissions - Grade, view grades - Backup, backup your course - Import resources -Question bank – create and manage questions

13 2b. Add and manage a variety of resources Key Points Understand the potential and limits of each resource Use folders on subject page to save space Use private files to store and manage you personal resources In your course create link to you private files Use the book resource to deliver content, create links, show student work

14 3. Design a Course This Getting Started in Moodle course is all about reflecting, collaborating and doing. Task Take one of your subject areas and build a course using appropriate design features incorporating resources / activities that are new to you or Amend one of your courses using appropriate design features incorporating resources / activities that are new to you

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