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- Homework - Attendance - Revision

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1 - Homework - Attendance - Revision
Making the most of Year 11 - Homework - Attendance - Revision

2 Homework: Does it impact on my grades?
A report by the National Foundation for Educational Research said, ‘The best exam and coursework results come from pupils who work a sensible and 'moderate' amount of time on home learning.’ The report said that pupils with a positive attitude to out-of-school study are most likely to achieve their potential. A student spending on average 2 or more hours a night on home learning is 10 times more likely to achieve 5 A*-C or the equivalent. (Homework: A Review of Recent Research NFER)

3 Show My Homework This is an excellent way of monitoring homework.
All students have their own log in but they are also available in the foyer tonight. Internet access is available in school. We do monitor SMH and support will be put in place where we identify it as necessary.

4 Attendance: Why is it important?
Pupils with full attendance are 2.8 times more likely to achieve 5+ GCSEs A*-C or equivalent including English and mathematics, than pupils missing 15-20% of KS4 lessons. 90% = 1 day off every 2 weeks = 100 hours of learning!

5 Multi Tasking (or not!) Research states:
The exam results of students who used Facebook while working – even if only intermittently – were on average 20 per cent lower than people who did not. While people may think constant task-switching allows them to get more done in less time, the reality is, it extends the amount of time needed to carry out tasks and leads to more mistakes. (The Telegraph)

6 Revision: how should I do it? Plan and Organise your revision time
Get all the information you need - this includes your exam dates, lesson timetable, shifts at work and when you’re meeting your friends. Block out the times you can’t study - be realistic, if you’re not going to work before 10am on a Sunday block that time out. Pick a revision start date - pin down a day to get started and think about your revision priorities. Plot your revision sessions - decide how much time you’re going to spend on each topic and schedule in breaks. Display your plan - a plan is no good if you don’t check it. Print it out and put in on your wall so that you can remind yourself what you’re studying and when. Revision Tools – visual aids, cue cards, post its, colour coded, etc. You will know what works best for you!

7 Revision: build the plan, be realistic and stick to it!
Building a revision plan helps you manage your time more effectively. It gives you a clear idea of what subjects and topics you’ll be revising each day and helps you organise your studies around your life.

8 you thought was possible
It’s Up To You Homework Attendance Revision Drive W O R K Achieve more than you thought was possible

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