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Smart New Satellite Shin Dong Youb Kim Tae Woo

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Presentation on theme: "Smart New Satellite Shin Dong Youb Kim Tae Woo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart New Satellite 201014531 Shin Dong Youb 201214509 Kim Tae Woo
Kim Su Hyun Park Min Ju

2 Satellite measuring SST
satellite name sensor orbit altitude (km) spatial resolution temporal resolution (min) swath speed (km/s) band Aqua MODIS LEO P SS 705 1 99 2330 7.506 infrared Noaa AVHRR 2/3 850 1.1 102 3000 7.430 Adeos OCTS 805 25-50 101 1400 7.453 AMSR-E 27*16 1450 microwave Coriolis WINDSAT m/w radiometer 800 25 1000 7.456 TRMM TMI LEO 350 91 758.5 7.701 Table 1. SST satellites

3 Introduce satellite Infrared vs Microwave cloud spatial resolution
Narrow and short phenomenon more details less errors

4 How to improve spatial resolution
MASER(microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) amplifier pumping wave Stimulated emission Stimulated emission Incoming photon Amplifying wave Figure 1. stimulated emission’s principle

5 How to improve temporal resolution
Adjust satellite altitude Satellite’s speed & period eq. V= 𝐺 𝑀 𝐸 𝑅 = 2𝜋𝑅 𝑇 , T= 2𝜋𝑅 𝑉 LEO ranges 160km~2000km(160km altitude satellite = NS)  V ≒ 7.79km/sec  T ≒ 88 min(16 times per day) Revisit time  shorter

6 How to improve temporal resolution
Is it possible 2513km of swath at NS? 2513km ≤ NS’s swath y = 0.225x - α = 77.32˚ l = aβ - β = 22.5˚ - γ = 77.20˚ 77.32˚(α) > 77.20˚(γ) Figure 2. At 160km Figure 3. For 2513km swath

7 Expectations for Massive Use in the Future!
conclusion Spatial resolution  more less than 25km  observation of smaller scale oceanic processes Temporal resolution  about 15min difference(vs WINDSAT) Spatial resolution & Temporal resolution observe all of regions with or without cloud decreasing errors between the data Expectations for Massive Use in the Future!

8 reference uide.pdf

9 QnA

10 Thank you

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