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Attributes of God How does revelation show the attributes of God

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Presentation on theme: "Attributes of God How does revelation show the attributes of God"— Presentation transcript:

1 Attributes of God How does revelation show the attributes of God

2 Recap General Revelation Special Revelation

3 Objectives Investigate what can be learnt about the attributes of God from revelation Understand and explain key words such as – Supremacy, Omnipotence, Omniscience and Benevolence.

4 What does revelation tell us about God?
Every time we meet a person, whether it is for the first time, or the hundredth time, we can learn something about them and get to know them a little better. In this same way, every time someone meets God, they learn something about God The Holy Books are an example of passing that knowledge on – as it is worship.

5 Power of Revelation It is to show God’s nature to religious believers or to bring Enlightenment. The impact can be massive – life changing in some cases

6 Your task… What can we learn about God?
Read through your scenarios and decide what we learn about God from them – write your points around the scenarios and underline key points that you can refer to in an exam/assessment.

7 Some possible answers…
You might have said the scenarios tell us that God is… Wise Intelligent Good The creator of everything The one who keeps things going Add any of these to your list if you need to…

8 Words to describe God… Refer to your hand out – you have many key words to describe God Supremacy Immanence Transcendence Personal Impersonal Omnipotent Omniscience Benevolence You must unscramble each of the explanations to fully explain the key words These can be used in an exam question/assessment

9 Key words and Revelation…
Which of the key words for God demonstrate the different types of revelation? Sort and write them out in the appropriate column Are there any words that can belong to both columns?? General Special

10 Be the examiner Mark the following candidates work. What grade would you give it and why? “No one can know what God is like.‟ What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) I believe that no one will know what god is like because we won't ever see him while we are alive. So I agree with the statement and most people would agree with me.

11 Commentary A simple reason is given so the answer is worth a Level 1.

12 Something to think about…
God can’t be both transcendent and immanent – that is impossible! Do you agree? Give 3 reasons for your answer

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