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Probability I.

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Presentation on theme: "Probability I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability I

2 Sample space Roll a die S={1,2,3,4,5,6}
the collection of all possible outcomes of a chance experiment Roll a die S={1,2,3,4,5,6}

3 Event any collection of outcomes from the sample space
Rolling a prime # E= {2,3,5} Rolling a prime # or even number E={2,3,4,5,6}

4 Complement Consists of all outcomes that are not in the event
Not rolling a even # EC={1,3,5}

5 Union the event A or B happening
consists of all outcomes that are in at least one of the two events Rolling a prime # or even number E={2,3,4,5,6}

6 Intersection the event A and B happening
consists of all outcomes that are in both events Drawing a red card and a “2” E = {2 hearts, 2 diamonds}

7 Mutually Exclusive (disjoint)
two events have no outcomes in common Roll a “2” or a “5”

8 Venn Diagrams Used to display relationships between events
Helpful in calculating probabilities

9 Venn diagram - Complement of A

10 Venn diagram - A or B A B

11 Venn diagram - A and B A B

12 Venn diagram - disjoint events

13 Statistics & Computer Science & not Calculus
Com Sci Com Sci Statistics & Computer Science & not Calculus

14 Calculus or Computer Science
Stat Com Sci Calculus or Computer Science

15 (Statistics or Computer Science) and not Calculus
Com Sci (Statistics or Computer Science) and not Calculus

16 Statistics and not (Computer Science or Calculus)
Com Sci Statistics and not (Computer Science or Calculus)

17 170 Statistics or Computer Science? Stat Cal 105 30 20 10 10 20 80
Com Sci Statistics or Computer Science? 170

18 20 Statistics and Computer Science? Stat Cal 105 30 20 10 10 20 80
Com Sci 20 Statistics and Computer Science?

19 90 Statistics or (Computer Science and Calculus)? Stat Cal 105 30 20
80 Com Sci Statistics or (Computer Science and Calculus)? 90

20 50 (Statistics or Computer Science) and Calculus? Stat Cal 105 30 20
80 Com Sci (Statistics or Computer Science) and Calculus? 50

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