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Year 10 Exams - March Year 10 will be sitting full paper 1 mock exams in each science during the week commencing 4th March. Combined science exams are.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 Exams - March Year 10 will be sitting full paper 1 mock exams in each science during the week commencing 4th March. Combined science exams are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 Exams - March Year 10 will be sitting full paper 1 mock exams in each science during the week commencing 4th March. Combined science exams are 1 hour 15 minutes each Separate science exams are 1 hour 45 minutes each Biology topics include - Cell biology Organisation Infection and response Bioenergetics Chemistry topics include - Atomic structure and the periodic table Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter Quantitative chemistry Chemical changes Energy changes Physics topics include - Energy Electricity Particle model of matter Atomic structure

2 Useful Information Science
bv Students will be given a homework sheet at the start of each term detailing topics and expectations. This sheet will also be shared via ClassCharts. Students must keep on top of homework and meet all deadlines. The students will be set much of their home learning on Doddle. This is an excellent resource containing presentations, interactive challenges and quizzes. USERNAME – always the students first name followed by surname and the year they joined the school. Boys and girls enter their names slightly differently Boys JohnSMITH15 Girls PENNYLANE15 Science revision every Wednesday after school on the science corridor (B2/B3) PASSWORD ralph

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