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Earliest Civilizations

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1 Earliest Civilizations
WHAP Earliest Civilizations

2 Characteristics of a civilization
Reliable surplus (food) Specialized occupations Social class distinctions Growth of cities Complex governments Long distance trade Organized writing systems

3 Earliest Civilizations
Centered around river valleys (fertile soil, abundant water) Earliest civilization (Mesopotamia, “land between 2 rivers- Tigris and Euphrates) Sumerians- take control, develop city-states Labor system includes slavery Sargon the Great conquers Sumerian city states (2300 BCE) founding Akkadian Empire

4 Map

5 Modern Map

6 Mesopotamia Early government – Theocracy (govt by gods and priests)
Developed into rule by warrior kings (kingdoms) 1700 BCE- Babylonians conquer led by Hammurabi Hittites control 1500 BCE Assyrians 900 BCE New Babylonians 500 BCE

7 MESOPOTAMIA Hammurabi's code- first known written law code
Cuneiform- first known system of writing (picture, symbol) 3500 BCE First recorded story “Epic of Gilgamesh” Recommended: be familiar with Gilgamesh story Believed gods (natural disasters) intervened in human affairs, each city has a god, ziggurat temple. Polytheism-belief in many gods

8 Ziggurat, reconstructed (Ur)

9 Mesopotamia Social classes- 1) free land owning class (royal, priest, warrior, govt, etc.) 2) dependent farmers and craftsmen 3) Slaves (as much as 40% of population) Slaves were prisoners of war or debtors Slavery would end after debt paid off

10 Mesopotamia Economy- long distance trade with Egypt, Persia. Sailed canoes through Persian Gulf and Arabian sea. Traded for gold, tin, beads, obsidian, wood, pearls, etc. Women- enjoy few freedoms (upper class own property) only boys attend school Cuneiform for record keeping- scribe Technology- metal plows, sundial, carts and 12 month calender. Number system (based on 60) still used today (60 seconds= 1 min)

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