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1 Allusions

2 Allusions Definition- a reference within a text to something famous (such as a well-known person, place, event, story, work of art, or music) Purpose- Allusions help readers understand what is going on in a text by connecting it to something they already know about

3 Allusion “Problems” In order to understand allusions, you must be familiar with literature, art, music, etc. If you aren’t, it will be difficult to grasp why the author wrote what he/she did. Pizza the Hut Jabba the Hut

4 Allusion “Problems” Allusions are NOT references about something only a small group of people know about. “Sally’s smile looked like my mom’s smile” is NOT an allusion.

5 Purpose of Allusions Whenever you come across an allusion, stop and ask yourself: What does the writer want me to understand about this character, setting, plot, etc. by connecting it to something I am already familiar with? What is the author’s purpose in using this allusion? to create the same mood as the original work? for comedy? to show character’s motives or traits?

6 Allusion Example Sally had a smile rivaled only by Mona Lisa’s.
Since most people are familiar with the painting, they can imagine Sally’s shy smile. What does this show about Sally?

7 Allusion Example (Art to Film)
The makers of the Scream movie ALLUDED to Munch’s work of art The Scream in order to instill fear.

8 Allusion Example (Film to Film)
Karate Kid Disney’s Hercules Hercules ALLUDES to Karate Kid when Hercules is training. Disney uses this allusion so the viewer thinks of Karate Kid and how, after training in the sunlight, Daniel wins the big match. The allusion is used to FORESHADOW that Hercules will also be successful in his fight.

9 Most Popular Allusions
The Bible Shakespeare Greek/Roman Mythology

10 Biblical Allusions Davis and Goliath It’s coming a flood Kiss of death

11 Shakespeare Allusion Romeo and Juliet
Many ALLUDE to Romeo and Juliet when there is a story of lovers who are not supposed to be together because of others’ objections.

12 Mythology Allusion Achilles’ Heel
When Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die in battle from an arrow. His mother, Thetis, did not want her son to die. So she took Achilles to a magical river and dipped his body into the water. But Thetis held Achilles by the heel, and his heel was not covered by the water. Achilles grew up to be a great warrior who survived many great battles. But one day, an arrow shot at him lodged in his heel, killing him instantly. When someone wants to discuss a weak point, he will refer to it as his “Achilles’ Heel,” meaning that he is strong in all areas except for that one.

13 Advertisements use allusions, too!
Mythology Allusion Advertisements use allusions, too! Venus alludes to the mythological Roman goddess known for love and beauty.

14 Mythology Allusions Apollo Mars Mercury Midas Parthenon Saturn Titans
Venus Vulcan

15 Can you think of any allusions?

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