USING ACCESSIBLE COURSE MATERIAL – WHAT IS INVOLVED? Presenters: Kathy Buob, M.A. Lyn Clemons, B.A. Benjamin Tzeng Sengoku, B.S.

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Presentation on theme: "USING ACCESSIBLE COURSE MATERIAL – WHAT IS INVOLVED? Presenters: Kathy Buob, M.A. Lyn Clemons, B.A. Benjamin Tzeng Sengoku, B.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING ACCESSIBLE COURSE MATERIAL – WHAT IS INVOLVED? Presenters: Kathy Buob, M.A. Lyn Clemons, B.A. Benjamin Tzeng Sengoku, B.S.

2 PRESENTERS Kathy Buob, M.A. Learning Disability Specialist Lyn Clemons, B.A. Alternate Media Technology Supervisor ******** Benjamin Tzeng Sengoku, B.S. Tech Expert from across the systems and Problem Solver



5 Faculty Concerns Regarding Technology Additional Workload on Faculty Additional Workload on Faculty Academic Freedom Academic Freedom Academic Integrity Academic Integrity Copyright of course material Copyright of course material

6 Faculty Conversions Of Course Material Universal Design For Learning What is Universal Design for Learning? How can Faculty include it into their course material? Why is it important to use it for all students? Collaborative partnerships???


8 Applications Faculty Can Use To Convert Course Material LecShare ABBY PDF Transformer 2.0 Kurzweil 3000 Assistance from Alternate Media Center on Campus

9 Use Of Alternate Media Services For Students And Faculty Get course materials converted ahead of time for student use to: E-text Audio format (MP3) Braille Enlarged Text Tactical Graphics Videos Captioned Text books scanned for conversion to other alternate formats

10 Example of how the tiff file can be used for different e-text in alternate formats. = Scan written material or textbook to get tiff file.

11 Specialized Applications LecShare – makes MS PowerPoint presentations usable by all students in different alternate formats ABBY PDF Transformer 2.0 – makes PDF files usable by all students in different alternate formats

12 Specialized Applications (continued) Kurzweil 3000 Inspiration Audio Formatted Course Material

13 Accessible Campus Computer Labs For Students High Tech Center computer labs Universal Learning labs Other computer labs set up for student access, such as Project Impact at CSU East Bay Department computer labs, such as Business, Science, Math, Social Science, Education, Library, etc.


15 Use Of FM Systems, Captioning, Remote Captioning Or Real-Time Captioning FM Systems usage in classrooms – In classroom radio broadcast. Open/Closed Captioning – As seen on broadcast TV/movies

16 Use Of FM Systems, Captioning, Remote Captioning Or Real-Time Captioning (continued) FM or amplification systems Infrared Real-time Captioning Remote Captioning Real time Captioning Closed Captioning

17 Use Of Braille, Enlarged Text Or Electronic Text (E-Text) Braille Enlarged Text material Electronic Text (E-text)

18 Use Of Voice Recognition For Students With Mobility Differences Voice Recognition Other Voice Recognition software

19 Environmental Access Movement Sensory Appeal Smart Wiring in Classroom


21 Training Faculty To Use Technology Information Technology (IT) Department Faculty Support Media Academic Technology Support (MATS) Alternate Media Center (AMC) High Tech Center Training Unit (HTCTU)

22 Difference Between Screen Readers And Document Readers Screen Readers – to translate all screen elements to spoken text JAWS SuperNova Document Readers – to capture printed material to digital spoken medium Kurzweil 3000 OpenBook WYNN

23 Equable Access What Can Be Done To Make It Happen? Equable Access to Course Materials Equable Access to Classrooms What can be done to work together to make course materials universally designed for all students?

24 Buy-In For Faculty Or Minimizing Rejection Appeal to Wow and Learning Reduce workload or friction on instructor. Emphasize functional over ideological Define clear role boundaries.

25 ! Walking toward knowledge and achievement! You are not walking alone!

26 QUESTIONS??? You are invited to ask questions about any of the material we have presented.

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