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Acknowledgments Contributors: Martin Styner Susumu Mori Andy Alexander

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1 MR-DTI: Non-invasive imaging of neuroanatomy of white matter Guido Gerig

2 Acknowledgments Contributors: Martin Styner Susumu Mori Andy Alexander
Gordon Kindlmann Randy Gollub National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NIH U54EB005149)

3 Use of these slides Slides were borrowed from various researchers, and we are working on getting permissions for distribution. Slides can be used for own purposes. Please do not distribute these slides. Please do no put slides into public download space.

4 T1w T2w


6 5D 6Mo 14Mo

7 Networking and Brain Connectivity
Major Fiber Tracts extracted from DT MRI UNC Computer Science: Network wire cabinets

8 Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DT MRI) reveals White Matter Structure
Gray matter White matter Courtesy of Susumu Mori, JHU

9 White Matter Structure
Goal: Measure properties associated with the direction of white matter Fibers White Matter Fibers White matter

10 Example: Corticospinal Tract
Source: Duke NeuroAnatomy Web Resources (Christine Hulette) B: Superior longitudinal fasciculus C: Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus D: Cingulum E: Inferior longitudinal fasciculus F: Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus Tractography: Coronal view

11 Diffusion Random ‘Walk’ of Water Molecules t1 t2 t3
DT-MRI A. Alexander

12 Diffusion Diffusion: Brownian motion of one material through another
Anisotropy: diffusion rate depends on direction Kleenex newspaper Gordon Kindlimann

13 Biological Restricted Diffusion
Sextra >> Sintra Diffusion influenced by mean free path Tortuosity DT-MRI A. Alexander

14 Biological Restricted Diffusion
Cellular degeneration (necrosis) - Diffusion increases DT-MRI A. Alexander

15 Aniostropic Restricted Diffusion
Diffusion has angular dependence DT-MRI A. Alexander

16 How can we measure diffusion without perturbing the system?


18 Diffusion and white matter
Diffusion MRI measures diffusion of mainly water molecules Isotropic medium → molecules move with Brownian motion. In biological tissues diffusion is often anisotropic In white matter: “Local structure” Insulating myelin sheet, low probability to cross into axon Dense axon bundles exhibits strongly directional local structure Diffusion along fiber bundle is main diffusion direction Myelin sheet Nodes of Ranvier Main diffusion direction

19 (An)isotropic diffusion
Free diffusion Isotropic diffusion Probability Distribution Restricted diffusion Anisotropic diffusion Probability Distribution Courtesy of Susumu Mori, John Hopkins University Medical School

20 DWI (indirectly) senses the structure of the tissue by measuring water molecule displacement along a chosen direction. r' End diffusion coefficient in the y direction (= Dy) y r Start

21 If the path of the water molecule is affected by restrictions such as cellular material, the measured diffusion coefficient is reduced intracellular space r r' extracellular space

22 If the tissue structures are oriented, the path of the water molecule (and the measured diffusion coefficients) will reflect this. r' diffusion coefficient in the y direction (= Dy) y r diffusion coefficient in the x direction(= Dx) x Dx > Dy

23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Larmor Frequency Magnetic Field Gradient, G

24 Diffusion Weighted (DW) MRI
Accumulated Phase

25 DW-MRI II Attenuation!

26 The pixel signal intensity, S, is related to the
b-value and the diffusion coefficient, D, through: This equation (Steyskal Tanner Equation) has two unknowns, the signal intensity for b = 0 (S0) and D. Therefore, at least 2 measurements must be made, each at a different b-value to calculate D.

27 Equation for the diffusion attenuation
G S   ln 2 G 2 2 D = - bD S  3  Signal Intensity D b-value

28 Measuring D for a Given Direction: Simplified model of two b values
(b=0 and b=nnnn) intercept = S0 b-value 1000 slope = D ln(S)

29 DWI and ADC 1 G/cm G/cm 10 G/cm G/cm Signal Intensity b-value

30 The b-value is the contrast “knob” in a diffusion experiment and is varied in magnitude and in a specified number of directions. Increasing the b-value increases the contrast between slow and fast diffusing water molecules. Images courtesy: Susumu Mori (JHU) Increasing b-value

31 Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Map with Different Measurement Direction
Gradient direction X Y Z Only the diffusion along a gradient direction can be measured Courtesy of Susumu Mori, John Hopkins University Medical School

32 Diffusion Weighted Images
T2W Reference So (b ~ 0 sec/mm2) 12 DW encoding directions Si (b=912 sec/mm2) ASNR 2003 –Washington,DC DT-MRI Alexander Courtesy JE Lee

33 Measurement along Multiple Directions
Diffusion MRI measures along single gradient directions Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI) In principle: Arbitrary gradient directions 6 different directions → Tensor 12/24 directions → stability Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) High angular acquisition Sampling of orientation diffusion Higher order representations (fiber crossings) Qball (D. Tuch, MGH), >256 dirs Others: Van Wedeen (MIT), Frank (UCSD) Modified from DavidTuch, MGH

34 DWI: Three Coordinate Systems
fast=I medium=J slow=K Image: “IJK” Gradients: g1 = (1,0,1) g2 = (1,-1,0)  Dxx, Dxy … x y z right anterior superior World: e.g. “RAS” “Image Orientation” “Measurement Frame”

35 Measured Apparent Diffusivities
12 encoding directions ASNR 2003 –Washington,DC DT-MRI Alexander Courtesy JE Lee

36 What is “Diffusion – Weighted” Imaging?
In “Conventional” MRI, image contrast reflects the local relaxation (T1, T2) environment of the water molecules. In “Diffusion-Weighted” Imaging (DWI), image contrast reflects the physical structure of the Tissue (via the local diffusion distribution).

37 Simplification and assumption
Orientational Diffusion Fct Diffusion ellipsoid Courtesy of Susumu Mori, John Hopkins University Medical School

38 The Diffusion Tensor Courtesy JE Lee ASNR 2003 –Washington,DC
DT-MRI Alexander Courtesy JE Lee

39 DWI summary: MRI newspaper Kleenex
Diffusion: Brownian motion of one material through another Anisotropy: diffusion rate depends on direction Magnetic gradients create spatial planar waves of proton phase Destructive interference measures diffusion along gradient direction only Kleenex newspaper

40 DWI crash course: Model
Single Tensor Model (Basser 1994) Ai Tensor estimation Dxx Dxy Dxz D A0 Dyy Dyz Dzz gi

41 Anisotropy & Color-coded Orientation
Isotropic GM Anisotropic WM Courtesy of Susumu Mori, John Hopkins University Medical School

42 DTI Tensor Visualization
Color: FA value ITK: DTIFiberTubeSpatialObject & SpatialObjectViewers (Julien Jomier)

43 Here comes Ross Whitaker

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