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Good afternoon. 1. Sit in your assigned seat from yesterday. 2

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Presentation on theme: "Good afternoon. 1. Sit in your assigned seat from yesterday. 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good afternoon. 1. Sit in your assigned seat from yesterday. 2
Good afternoon! 1. Sit in your assigned seat from yesterday. 2. Brainstorm 4-5 key things you think it takes to make a place or community CIVILIZED.

2 What Makes Us Civilized?

3 P. Political Organization

4 P. E. Political Organization Economy

5 P. E. R. Political Organization Economy Religion

6 P. E. R. S. Political Organization Economy Religion
Society/Social Classes

7 P. E. R. S. I. Political Organization Economy Religion
Society/Social Classes Innovations/Technology

8 P. E. R. S. I. A. Political Organization Economy Religion
Society/Social Classes Innovations/Technology Art/Architecture


10 Mesopotamia: "Land Between the Two Rivers"

11 Mesopotamia Land Between Two Rivers

12 Crossroads of Three Continents

13 Mesopotamia The Fertile Crescent

14 Unpredictable flooding
No natural barriers for protection Limited natural resources Building materials and other necessary items were scarce

15 Sumerians 3000 BCE

16 Sumerian Political Organization
Priests with religious and power Warrior kings Defense Dynasties City-states—Ur Laws Taxes Public Works Ziggurats Walled cities

17 Royal Standard of Ur What does this reveal about Mesopotamian culture?
Depicts scenes of war and peace What does this reveal about Mesopotamian culture?

18 Economy Agriculture Trade Catastrophic floods
Irrigation Canals Date Palms, grains such as barley and wheat Trade

19 Mesopotamian Trade from Egypt to India

20 Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Carved in reverse to leave a negative image. Used as receipts and to show ownership.

21 Religion Polytheistic Goddesses Afterlife Pessimistic

22 Society Social Hierarchy Kings, ruling family and Priests
Merchants, scribes, lesser priests Peasant farmers Slaves

23 Sumerian Scribes Over 500 characters required years of schooling.

24 Innovations Cuneiform Canals, dams, irrigation Mud bricked walls
Wheeled vehicles, sail, plow Number system Arches, columns, ramps Ziggurat

25 Cuneiform Wedge Shaped Writing on Clay Tablets
Earliest form of writing

26 Deciphering Cuneiform

27 Babylonian Empires

28 Hammurabi the Judge

29 Hammurabi’s Code STELE

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